From Flood Data Portal Penrith CBD Floodplain Risk Management Study and Pan GIS mapping results
Penrith CBD Floodplain Risk Management Study and Pan GIS mapping results including flood levels, depths, hazard, hydraulic category, flood planning constraints category,... -
From Flood Data Portal Penrith CBD Floodplain Risk Management Study and Pan Hydraulic model output files
Penrith CBD Floodplain Risk Management Study and Pan Hydraulic model output files -
From Flood Data Portal Hunter Valley Summary Report (Floodplain management) 1981
Summary Report of Hunter Valley floodplain risk and management strategies. This report is associated with the Hunter Valley Floodplain Atlas -
From SEED Brushy Hill Nature Reserve Vegetation 2011. VIS_ID 4099
Vegetation community mapping for Brushy Hill Nature Reserve by John Hunter, June 2011. An Upper Hunter Area NPWS Region contract. Mapped at 1:25000 scale. Five communities are... -
From OpenGov Review of environmental factors for proposed civil works in Greystanes Estate
A rapid bus only transitway is planned to be constructed from Blacktown to Wetherill Park in 2006. Approximately 3.3 km of the transitway route runs through an existing quarry... -
From ePlanning ANUCLIM Annual Mean Temperature raster layer
The Annual Mean Temperature dataset was created using ANUCLIM software and the 1 second SRTM DEM (Digital Elevation Model) data. Climate variables generated by ANUCLIM (Version... -
From SEED Southern CRA Riverina Highlands Mapping Extension. VIS_ID 4162
This project was carried out by National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Southern CRA Unit for the Riverina Highlands Regional Vegetation Management Committee (RVMC). Two... -
From SEED Towarri National Park Vegetation 1999. VIS_ID 667
Vegetation mapping for the Central Northern section of Towarri National Park by Travis Peake in 1999. This older dataset was retained as it appears more detailed for the area it... -
From SEED Proposed use by United Collieries Pty Ltd of authorization 239, Parish of...
Environmental Impact Statement: Proposed use by United Collieries Pty Ltd of authorization 239, Parish of Lemington, County of Hunter, Jerry's Plains Road (M.R. 213) for the... -
From SEED Proposed sand extraction : portions 157, 158, 159 and Lot 1, DP 566898 and...
EIS: Proposed sand extraction : portions 157, 158, 159 and Lot 1, DP 566898 and Lot 6, DP 232448, Lot 1, DP 500175, Lot 4, DP 528257, Lot 2, DP 557070, part portions 190 and... -
From SEED NPWS Areas
The National Parks and Wildlife Service Park Operation Areas is a polygon layer that includes the 37 Areas that were finalised in October 2017. They will officially be adopted... -
From SEED Manning River Turtle Survey Report Western Catchments May 2019
March 2019 survey results of Manning River Helmeted Turtles at thirty three locations in the head of the Barnard River. The survey was to determine its distribution, health,... -
From SEED Khappinghat Nature Reserve Vegetation 2000. VIS_ID 379
Vegetation community mapping of Khappinghat Nature Reserve by Bob Wilson, 2000. Selective field sampling (ground truthing) was undertaken in 1992 (for the former nature... -
From SEED Eusdale Nature Reserve Vegetation 2017. VIS_ID 4768
Vegetation community mapping for Eusdale Nature Reserve by John Hunter, 2017. A Northern Inland NPWS Branch contract. Mapped at 1:25000 scale. Six Plant Community Types are... -
From SEED Environmental impact statement for the establishment of a river sand and...
EIS: Environmental impact statement for the establishment of a river sand and gravel processing plant upon "Alabama", Rouchel Road near Aberdeen within the "area defined by... -
From SEED Environmental impact statement for stage 2A and 2B coal washery reject...
EIS: Environmental impact statement for stage 2A and 2B coal washery reject emplacement in the southern gully on part of land in DP 63693 and lots 1-3 DP 225021, Parish of... -
From SEED Coorabakh Nature Reserve Banksia conferta Mapping 2007. VIS_ID 3898
Areas of confirmed Banksia conferta. Banksia conferta subsp. conferta; known from three areas only - the Glasshouse Mountains, and Lamington Plateau in Queensland; Coorabakh... -
From SEED Camerons Gorge NR and SCA Vegetation 2008. VIS_ID 3821
Vegetation community mapping for Camerons Gorge Nature Reserve and State Conservation Area by Eco Logical Pty Ltd, 2008. A Hunter NPWS Region Contract. The survey and mapping... -
From ePlanning NSW eastern forest soil condition: digital soil maps
This dataset includes digital soil map products of key soil condition indicators covering the Regional Forest Agreement regions of eastern NSW. Raster maps at 100 m resolution...