From SEED ASDST Rock Art Pre1750 Model
The Aboriginal Sites Decision Support Tool ASDST extends the Aboriginal Heritage Information Management System (AHIMS) by illustrating the potential distribution of site... -
From SEED ASDST Stone Quarries Pre1750 Model
The Aboriginal Sites Decision Support Tool ASDST extends the Aboriginal Heritage Information Management System (AHIMS) by illustrating the potential distribution of site... -
From SEED ASDST Hearths Pre1750 Model
The Aboriginal Sites Decision Support Tool ASDST extends the Aboriginal Heritage Information Management System (AHIMS) by illustrating the potential distribution of site... -
From SEED ASDST Artefacts Pre1750 Model
The Aboriginal Sites Decision Support Tool ASDST extends the Aboriginal Heritage Information Management System (AHIMS) by illustrating the potential distribution of site... -
From SEED Aboriginal Sites Decision Support Tool (ASDST) Pre1750, Current and Derived Models
The Aboriginal Sites Decision Support Tool ASDST extends the Aboriginal Heritage Information Management System (AHIMS) by illustrating the potential distribution of site... -
From ePlanning [Clone] NSW Marine Habitats 2002, Yet another lovely clone
An environmental classification developed in conjunction with the NSW Marine Parks Authority Research Committee. The purpose of the mapping was for use in assessments to... -
From Flood Data Portal Braidwood Creeks Flood Study
The hydraulic study area is the Braidwood Township and areas up to one kilometre upstream and downstream along the creeks. It is defined generally by the 2(v) Zone of the... -
From SEED NSW Bionet Vegetation Classification data collection
The BioNet Vegetation Classification Data Collection contains the NSW vegetation community typology including Plant Community Types, NSW Vegetation Formations and Classes. The... -
From SEED Mt Kaputar National Park Vegetation VIS_ID 930
Amalgamation of Mt Kaputar South (Porteners 1998) and Mt Kaputar North (Hunter 2000) vegetation maps. This dataset was created to provide a consistent vegetation map of the... -
From SEED Naturally Occurring Asbestos
Areas within NSW where naturally occurring asbestos has been found, or has the potential to be found within 10 metres of the surface. The areas are based on the existing... -
From SEED Old Growth Forest Ecosystems CRAFTI Grid for CRA Upper North East. VIS_ID 5058
Map of the distribution of old-growth forest ecosystems across extant forest in the Upper North East CRA region. Two separate classifications and mapping techniques were used to... -
From OpenGov Pacific Highway upgrade: Yelgun to Chinderah: environmental impact...
The Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) is proposing to upgrade the Pacific Highway between Yelgun and Chinderah, on the far north coast of New South Wales. The upgrade would be... -
From OpenGov Raymond Terrace to Karuah duplication : review of environmental factors :...
The Pacific Highway is one of the most important highways in NSW. It connects Sydney to Brisbane and provides interstate and regional connections to the Central, Mid North and... -
From SEED Jubullum Vegetation 2017 VIS_ID 4777
Landmark Ecological Services was approached Nov 2017 to undertake a rapid flora and fauna assessment of Lots 53 and 55 IN DP 14212, which are adjacent to the Rocky River about 5... -
From SEED Forest Ecosystems, South Coast Sub-region VIS_ID 3786
This is the original extant Forest Ecosystem map for the South Coast sub-region, comprising a number of different models and API data. Expert botanists developed the map within... -
From SEED Murray Riparian Vegetation Mapping. VIS_ID 4156
In 1986, the River Murray Riparian Vegetation Survey was initiated by the Murray-Darling Basin Commission (MDBC) to assess the present status of the vegetation along the River... -
From SEED Bushfire Impact Water Quality
Water quality loggers were installed in seven NSW estuaries with bushfire impact in the surrounding catchment area in January 2020 - Bellinger River, Khappinghat Creek, Lake... -
From SEED Bell Miner Associated Dieback (BMAD) Mapping for the Greater Blue Mountains...
Bell Miner Associated Dieback (BMAD) mapping for the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area as undertaken by Kleinfelder Ecobiological in 2012. Kleinfelder Ecobiological was... -
From SEED Yina Nature Reserve Vegetation 2003 VIS_ID 4763
Yina Nature Reserve vegetation mapping was undertaken by Dr John T. Hunter in 2003 by contract for the NPWS Northern Tableland Region. Yina NR is located within the New England... -
From SEED Vegetation Survey of Mt Kaputar National Park VIS_ID 932
"Vegetation map digitised from Porteners, M.F. (1998). Vegetation Survey of Mt Kaputar National Park (Southern Portion). Report for the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service....