From SEED Salinity Hazard for Catchment Action Plan (CAP) Updates: Murray CMA Area -...
The thirteen NSW Catchment Management Authorities (CMAs) are required to update their Catchment Action Plans (CAPs) in a process to be completed by early 2013. The CAPs are... -
From SEED BornhardtiaVCA_mgmtpla
Adopted 20 July 2004. Also covers Ironbark Nature Reserve. -
From SEED Mitchell landscapes (version 3)
This dataset (version 3) supersedes the previous version of the NSW Landscapes (Version 2) ANZNSO208000229. Version 3 includes a revision of the polygon boundaries conducted in... -
From SEED Salinity Hazard for Catchment Action Plan (CAP) Updates: Southern Rivers CMA...
The thirteen NSW Catchment Management Authorities (CMAs) are required to update their Catchment Action Plans (CAPs) in a process to be completed by early 2013. The CAPs are... -
From SEED Nature Conservation Tool Condition Model Information 2015
The Nature Conservation Tool provides management priorities for NSW parks and reserves administered under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974. They have been endorsed for... -
From SEED Estuary Flushing Time
Flushing times for 69 estuaries that are permanently open and 115 estuaries that are intermittently open were estimated using different methods. The classical tidal prism method... -
From SEED Estuary Catchment Streamflow and Surface Runoff: 1975-2007
Catchment rainfall, runoff and evaporation were required to support the development of a new response-based estuary classification system based on dilution (from catchment... -
From SEED Land and Soil Capability Mapping for NSW
This Land and Soil Capability (LSC) dataset uses the best available soils natural resource mapping across New South Wales. It provides a broad-scale, regional view as to the... -
From SEED Estuary Drainage Catchment Boundaries
Estuary Drainage Catchment is the hydrological boundary of the catchment draining to each estuary in NSW. There are two spatial layers - a line feature class... -
From SEED Estuary Sewage Discharge Loads
The Integrated Statutory Environmental Management System (ISEMS) database managed by the Office of Environment and Heritage was accessed for information on licences,... -
From SEED NSW BioNet Indicative Threatened Ecological Community, Population and...
This data represents the indicative known and predicted distributions of threatened ecological communities, population and species. These data are a snapshot of data held and... -
From SEED Rectified and radiometrically corrected Landsat imagery 1988-2010
These are the pre-processed Landsat images that are used to generate all other Landsat products. They are rectified to a map projection and adjusted for the effects of the... -
From SEED Estuary Depth
Average estuary depths below 0.6 m AHD have been calculated by dividing estuary volume by surface area excluding saltmarsh, which is generally found only above mean high water... -
From SEED Estuary Catchment Total Suspended Solids Loads
Annual average loads of Total Suspended Solids have been estimated for all 184 NSW coastal catchments. Land use in each catchment was assigned to one of nine categories and... -
From SEED Estuary Catchment Total Phosphorus Loads
Annual average loads of Total Phosphorus have been estimated for all 184 NSW coastal catchments. Land use in each catchment was assigned to one of nine categories and event mean... -
From SEED Priority 5 Mapping Area (P5MA) - Vegetation Extent VIS_ID 2197
This dataset provides detailed regional vegetation mapping. It maps across 15 adjoining 1:100 000 sheets for the following: extant native vegetation, extant native vegetation by... -
From SEED Waterbird counts on Lake Altibouka
Ground counts of all waterbirds on Lake Altibouka were done at three monthly intervals (March, June, September and December) from March 1987 until December 2004. On each... -
From SEED Estuary Mangrove Limits
Data were collected on the tidal and mangrove limits in NSW estuaries between August 1996 and August 2005. The mangrove growing furthest upstream was located, photopgraphed and... -
From SEED Soil Condition Monitoring 2008 Baseline Site Database
From January 2008 to June 2009 a permanent network of paired 25 by 25m quadrats was established across NSW to establish a baseline for soil carbon, soil pH, soil structure and... -
From SEED Estimated Inherent Fertility of Soils - Upper Hunter Strategic Regional...
This map provides an estimated inherent fertility of soils in the Upper Hunter Strategic Regional Landuse Priority Area. It uses the best available soils natural resource...