Location of HWC monitoring bores. Indicated for each bore is whether a bore log, electrical conductivity and water level data is available, along with elevation and drill depth...
Australia is the largest spatial unit in the Main Structure and in the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS). All ASGS boundaries aggregate to Australia. Further...
NSW Land Parcel Property Theme - NSW Cadastre Service NSW Cadastre web service is a dynamic map of cadastral features extracted from the Land and Property theme of the NSW...
Access API Fires in Australia’s Forests 2011–16 (2018) is a continental spatial dataset of the extent and frequency of planned and unplanned fires occurring in forest in the...
Dams Safety NSW (DSNSW) is responsible for regulating over 400 declared dams across NSW. This data represents the basic details of each declared dam and is a means by which...
Access API NSW Cadastre History Service NSW Cadastre web service is a dynamic map of cadastral features extracted from the Land and Property theme of the NSW Foundation Spatial...