From OpenGov Greater Sydney Drought Response Plan Overview
The Greater Sydney Drought Response Plan sets out how Sydney Water, WaterNSW and the NSW Government will work together to respond to droughts in the future. -
From OpenGov Greater Sydney Water Strategy
The Greater Sydney Water Strategy charts the long-term vision and direction for ensuring the region’s sustainable and resilient water services for the next 20 years. -
From Spatial PNF Koala Prescription Map
The PNF Koala Prescription Map identifies areas that are mapped as high koala habitat suitability for the purpose of implementing the koala protections under the Private Native... -
From Spatial Revenue NSW
No notes provided -
From Spatial Housing for Health projects by local health district 1997-2022
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From Spatial NSW Features of Interest Category - Electricity Transmission Line
Access API NSW Features of Interest Category - Electricity Transmission Line Please Note WGS 84 = GDA94 service This dataset has a spatial reference of [WGS 84 =... -
From Spatial NSW Strata Hub
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From Spatial ERG Location APP
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From Spatial Kuranda Crescent Boundaries
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From Spatial Topo Map Index
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From Spatial Event Imagery Colour Infra Red
Event imagery for NSW in colour infra red -
From Spatial NSW Imagery Basemap Service
NSW Imagery Basemap Service Please Note This dataset has spatial reference [WGS 84 ≈ GDA94] which may result in misalignments when viewed in GDA2020 environments. A similar... -
From Spatial NSW 2019 Spot 6-7 Web Map Service
NSW 2019 Spot 6-7 Web Map Service Please NoteWGS 84 = GDA94 service This dataset has a spatial reference of [WGS 84 = GDA94] and can NOT be easily consumed into GDA2020... -
From Spatial NSW BaseMap Legend
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From Spatial Baselines for Forested Water Catchments in NSW
The Forest Monitoring Steering Committee commissioned the University of Melbourne to deliver baselines, drivers and trends of water quality and quantity in NSW.Find out more... -
From Spatial Baselines for Forested Water Catchments in NSW
The Forest Monitoring Steering Committee commissioned the University of Melbourne to deliver baselines, drivers and trends of water quality and quantity in NSW.Find out more... -
From Spatial Species Occupancy and Distribution Baselines in NSW RFA Regions Webmap
The Forest Monitoring Steering Committee commissioned the University of New England and the NSW Departments of Primary Industries and Planning, Industry and Environment to... -
From Spatial Species Occupancy and Distribution Baselines in NSW RFA Regions Webapp
The Forest Monitoring Steering Committee commissioned the University of New England and the NSW Departments of Primary Industries and Planning, Industry and Environment to... -
From Spatial Flora Species Occupancy and Distribution Baselines in NSW RFA Regions
Access API Add a description of the item. Use multiple paragraphs if necessary. Metadata TypeUpdate FrequencyContact DetailsRelationship to Themes and DatasetsAccuracyStandards... -
From Spatial Water Quantity Trends in NSW Forested Catchments
Access API More information: https://portal.spatial.nsw.gov.au/portal/home/item.html?id=78e6ae3d34aa45d2b8118fd0308d6459 Metadata TypeUpdate FrequencyContact...