The report is based on classification counts taken either as a part of special surveys or during a process of toll collections. This is further supplemented with data from the...
Travel demand in urban areas can be affected by the real and perceived costs of vehicular travel as well as a whole range of other social and environmental factors. Petrol...
The Botany-West Transport Study was conducted as the first stage of the Supplementary Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the F5 South Western Freeway between Beverly Hills...
This report is Part III of a four part series of Crash Analysis Focus Reports for 2000/01. It is the aim of these reports to identify locations in the Southern Region that...
The North Shore Strategic Transport Study was initiated by The Hon. Bruce Baird, Minister for Transport, to examine and report on transport issues in the North Shore area and to...
PAPERS Paper 1: Welcome from Director, Sydney Region Paper 2: Introduction of Competency Based Training and Assessment for Heavy Vehicle Driver Licensing Brad Markham Paper 3:...
CONTENTS Geotechnical Developments - Jim Williams The Heavy Vehicle Crash Study - Fred Schneering Bridge Management Systems - Paul Keogh New Technology for Effecive Pothole...
The purpose of this book is to provide information on the requirements for the movement of oversize and overmass vehicles and their loads in New South Wales. The reason for...
CONTENTS Federal Environmental Policy Overview - Mark Hyman State Environmental Policy Overview - Lisa Corbyn BHP's Environmental Initiatives - David Hodges RTA Environmental...