Transport for NSW proposes to widen Bridge 152 over the Woronora River (referred to as the Heathcote Road bridge) and its approaches (the proposal). The proposal is located...
Rickard Road between Bringelly Road, Leppington and Oran Park Drive, Catherine Field is proposed to be upgraded. On behalf of the Department of Planning, Infrastructure and...
This report presents a summary of issues raised in submissions by the community, organisations and agencies associated with the revised design presented within the Design...
During the public exhibition of the Modification report, a total of 1,278 submissions were received by the DPIE. The Secretary of the DPIE provided copies of the submissions to...
This Modification Report (report) provides the environmental assessment for the proposed modification to the M4-M5 Link project) (the project) in accordance with Section 5.25 of...
Transport for NSW proposes to upgrade the South Mosman wharf (the proposal) as part of the Transport Access Program (TAP) which includes both waterside and landside upgrade works.
Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW) (previously Roads and Maritime) proposes to modify the Sydney Harbour Bridge Northern toll plaza precinct upgrade project (proposed...
Transport for NSW proposes to build a local link road from the intersection of Garfield Road West and Denmark Road, Riverstone to the Westminster Street bridge, Schofields (the...