NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework - Administrative Boundaries - Suburb
Suburb dataset represents the gazetted boundary of a suburb or locality area. The Geographical Names Board (GNB) is responsible for new suburb names and amendments to the extent... -
NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework - Administrative Boundaries - State...
State Electoral District dataset represents current NSW or NSW Federal electoral boundaries in conjunction with the Electoral Commission, containing all of the cadastral line... -
NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework - Administrative Boundaries - State Border
The State Border is a product dataset created from the LGA dataset which depicts the extent of NSW as described by the gazetted boundaries of Local Government Areas. -
NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework - Administrative Boundaries - Parish
Parish depicts the boundaries of 7,377 areas formed by the division of 141 counties. It is a polygon feature class within the NSW Digital Cadastral Database (DCDB). Parishes are... -
NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework - Administrative Boundaries - Local...
Local Government Area depicts polygons of gazette boundaries defining the Local Government Area. It contains all of the cadastral line data or topographic features which are... -
NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework - Administrative Boundaries - County
County depicts the boundaries of 141 divisions of the State of New South Wales created for management and disposal of Crown Lands. It is a polygon feature class within the NSW... -
NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework - Administrative Boundaries Theme Profile
The Administrative Boundaries theme is a collection of legislative, regulatory, political, maritime and general administrative boundaries sourced from local and state boundary... -
NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework - Administrative Boundaries - ABS...
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Statistical Geographical Standard Boundaries divides an area of interest throughout the state of NSW on which statistics are collected for... -
NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework - Water - NSW Hydro Area
NSW Hydro Area is a polygon feature class defining hydrographic feature types. This feature class is divided into waterbody area and water course. Waterbody is a standard body... -
NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework - Water - NSW Ancillary Hydro Point
NSW Ancillary Hydro Point data represents a location that has unique hydrology characteristics or monitors or controls stream flow or manages hydrographical spatial data... -
NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework - Water - NSW Coastline
NSW Coastline data is linear feature class defining the line of contact between a body of water and the land. In particular, the line delineating the interface between land,... -
NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework - Water - NSW Fuzzy Extent Water Area
NSW Fuzzy Extent Water Area is polygon feature class representing the approximate extents of formally named water features that have relatively indistinct name extent. Fuzzy... -
NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework - Water - NSW Fuzzy Extent Water Line
NSW Fuzzy Extent Water Line is a linear feature class representing the approximate extents of formally named water features that have relatively indistinct name extent. Fuzzy... -
NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework - Water - NSW Hydro Line
NSW Hydro Line defines the centreline of a water course. It includes features such as natural water course, canal-drain, race, spill way and tunnel-siphon. It includes key... -
NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework - Water - NSW Hydro Point
NSW Hydro Point defines point hydrographic feature types. It represents points of standard bodies of inland water where flow is minor and is defined as either natural water body... -
NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework - Water - NSW Named Water Course
NSW Named Water Course defines the centreline of a named water course as a single feature. It is an aggregation of Hydro Line parts. -
NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework - Water Theme Profile
The Water theme is based on hydrology which is the study of the movement, distribution and quality of water. This includes the hydrologic cycles, water resources and... -
NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework - Transport - Maritime Associated Facilities
Various other facilities associated with the Maritime dataset. The following are facility points and lines related to transport. Wharf: any structure on a waterfront designed to... -
NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework - Transport - Aviation (Runway)
Runway represents the straight paths used for landing and take-off of aircraft. A runway can be a landing ground, runway centreline and runway perimeter. This data is held and... -
NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework - Transport - Aviation (Airports)
Airport is a facility, either on land or water, where aircraft can take off or land. It usually consists of hard-surfaced landing strips, a control tower, hangars, and...