Maps are presented on trends of change resulting from different human and natural disturbances such as forest harvesting, uncontrolled stock grazing, climate change and bush fire.The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) and the University of Sydney with collaboration from the University of New England, were engaged by the NSW Natural Resource Commission (NRC) to prepare this data as part of the NSW Forest Monitoring and Improvement Program. Full descriptions of the soil map products, methods and results are presented in this technical report:Moyce MC, Gray JM, Wilson BR, Jenkins BR, Young MA, Ugbaje SU, Bishop TFA, Yang X, Henderson LE, Milford HB, Tulau MJ, 2021. Determining baselines, drivers and trends of soil health and stability in New South Wales forests: NSW Forest Monitoring & Improvement Program. Version 1.1The publication and related datasets can be accessed from the following link: