This point layer contains all offices or work locations where Planning, Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH), Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) and Portfolio Partners staff are located or where there is an affiliation to a site. The layer contains many attribute fields that can be used to filter and label the data appropriately and for different uses. There is also information about addresses, office server names, approx. staff numbers, SAP HR codes etc. Some abbreviations are listed below:
BGCP - Botanic Gardens Centennial Park.
CNSW - Create NSW.
EPA - Environment Protection Authority.
HDC - Hunter Development Corporation.
HHT - Historic Houses Trust.
JCRT - Jenolan Caves Reserve Trust.
MWD - Metropolitan Water Directorate.
OEH - Office Environment & Heritage.
OLG - Office of Local Government.
PAC - Planning Assessment Commission.
PLAN - Planning.
PPT - Parramatta Park Trust.
RE - Resources and Energy.
WSPT - Western Sydney Parklands Trust.
PORTPART - Portfolio Partners.
CPMPT - Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust.
CCRDC - Central Coast Regional Development Corporation.
RBGDT - Royal Botanic Gardens Domain Trust.
PISv - .
HD - Heritage Division.
NPWS - National Parks & Wildlife Service.
SD - Science Division.
ROD - Regional Operations Division.
EBMP - Enhanced Bushfire Management Program (in NPWS).