From SEED Estuary Chlorophyll Response-based Classification
One of the most widely used classification schemes for estuaries in NSW is that of Roy et al (2001) which is based on geology and geomorphology. Other schemes have used one or... -
From SEED Vulnerable Estuaries and ICOLLS
This dataset identifies estuaries that are vulnerable or susceptible to the impacts of land-based inputs of pollutants such as urban stormwater or agricultural runoff. A higher... -
From Flood Data Portal Griffith_Aerodrome Overland Flow Flood Study
INTRODUCTION In recent years, small duration heavy intensity rainfall events associated with thunder storms have shown that the Griffith Aerodrome and associated infrastructure... -
From SEED Modelled Hillslope Erosion over New South Wales
Soil erosion by water includes sheet and rill erosion (also referred to as hillslope erosion) is a major form of land degradation in NSW landscapes. Hillslope erosion was... -
From Flood Data Portal Fairy & Cabbage Tree Creeks Flood Study - TUFLOW Hydraulic Model...
Post-processed outputs from the TUFLOW hydraulic model as used in flood mapping and reporting. Includes .asc raster grids, GIS files and WaterRide outputs for ARR 1987 peak... -
From Flood Data Portal Report on Gosford Lagoon Openings June-July 1994
Lagoon Opening data: Wamberal Lagoon and Avoca lake openings Automatic recorder levels Comparison of Wamberal lagoon openings Comparison of Terrigal lagoon openings Comparison... -
From SEED Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Soil Condition (Salinity) Report Card...
This dataset contains the workings for deriving salinity condition scores that were generated for the Soil Condition theme of the NSW Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting... -
From SEED Soil Landscape Regolith Stability of South-East New South Wales
This linework delineates the boundaries of soil landscapes for South-East New South Wales, including the Southern CRA Region. The attribute data for each soil landscape unit is... -
From ePlanning Soil and land constraint assessment maps: Hawkesbury Nepean Catchment
This dataset contains maps and data on soil and land constraints that may impact on a range of land uses throughout the Hawkesbury Nepean Catchment. It reveals the physical... -
From Flood Data Portal Denman Overland Flow Study - Tuflow output
Raw Results SMS waterRide Compatible maximum values during the simulation Time series results -
From SEED Land Management Practices (Cropping History) in the Border Rivers-Gwydir &...
Land Management Practices for the Border Rivers-Gwydir and Namoi Catchment Management Authority (CMA) Areas in northern New South Wales. This dataset includes a base map of... -
From SEED Estuary Drainage Catchment Boundaries
Estuary Drainage Catchment is the hydrological boundary of the catchment draining to each estuary in NSW. There are two spatial layers - a line feature class... -
From SEED Estuary Drainage Catchments
Estuary Drainage Catchment is the hydrological boundary of the catchment draining to each estuary in NSW. There are two spatial layers - a line feature class... -
From Spatial HWC flow data
Daily Hunter Water extractions from Williams RiverTypeHosted Feature LayerUpdate FrequencyData updated dailyContact Detailswrdata.request@hunterwater.com.auRelationship to... -
From SEED Hydrogeological Landscapes for the Eastern Murray Catchment: October 2011...
The Hydrogeological Landscape (HGL) concept provides a structure for the understanding of how salinity manifests itself in the landscape and how differences in salinity are... -
From SEED Modelled wind erosion rates using the Computational Environmental Management...
Data was derived from a numerical model called CEMSYS. CEMSYS is the only wind erosion model routinely run for NSW. Data used for the NSW MER was the 2006-07 year. For a... -
From SEED Bathurst Urban Hydrogeological Landscapes: June 2011 (First Edition)
The Hydrogeological Landscape (HGL) concept provides a structure for the understanding of how salinity manifests itself in the landscape and how differences in salinity are... -
From SEED Bathurst Rural Hydrogeological Landscapes: June 2011 (First Edition)
The Hydrogeological Landscape (HGL) concept provides a structure for the understanding of how salinity manifests itself in the landscape and how differences in salinity are... -
From SEED NSW State of the Catchments 2008: MER Native Vegetation Theme
All four data layers were derived by integrating spatial data from other existing state-wide data sets and applying a series of transparent decision rules. The integration of... -
From SEED Estuary Flushing Time
Flushing times for 69 estuaries that are permanently open and 115 estuaries that are intermittently open were estimated using different methods. The classical tidal prism method...