From OpenGov Draft review of environmental factors for proposed reconstruction and...
Cowpasture Road is a 12.8 kilometre long arterial road that generally runs in a north south direction between Bossley Park and Hoxton Park in the western region of metropolitan... -
From OpenGov Southern Illawara Inland arterial road project: review of environmental...
The proposal is to upgrade the existing Main Road 92 alignment between Nowra and Nerriga over a distance of approximately 62km. The upgrade will involve sealing the existing... -
From OpenGov Proposed duplication of Alfords Point Bridge, Alfords Point: review of...
The NSW Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) proposes to duplicate Alfords Point Bridge, Alfords Point. This would involve the construction of a second road bridge across the... -
From OpenGov Pacific Highway upgrade Yelgun to Chinderah: environmental impact statement
Construction and operation of a high standard dual carriageway from Yelgun to Chinderah, generally to the west of the existing Pacific Highway. The proposal includes grade... -
From OpenGov Proposed realignment of the New England Highway at Halcombe Hill: review of...
The RTA proposes to realign a 1.8km section of the New England Highway at Halcombe Hill, approximately 3km north of Aberdeen. This new alignment would include construction of a... -
From OpenGov Shoulder widening on the Golden Highway (SH 27) 11-16km west of Merriwa:...
The proposal involves a 2m widening of the road pavement on both sides of the highway for approximately 5km. The proposed widening would involve resealing the road surface to... -
From OpenGov Maintenance and repairs at Ooma Creek Bridge, North West of Grenfell: review...
The proposal is to carry out maintenance and repairs at Ooma Creek Bridge, approximately 10km north-west of Grenfell. The aim is to remediate severe gully erosion by... -
From OpenGov Hoxton Park Road upgrade between Whitford Road and Cowpasture Road: review...
Hoxton Park Road is being upgraded between the Hume Highway and Cowpasture Road in three stages. The project examined in this report is part of stage 2, the section between... -
From OpenGov North West Transport Links East: environmental impact statement: working...
This report describes and assesses the vegetation and fauna located along the Expressway Reserve and along the Carlingford Road/Epping Road Arterial upgrade route. -
From OpenGov Bangor Bypass: appendices to representations report
Representations; environmental impact and heritage assessments; technical papers. -
From OpenGov Supplement to M5 East motorway: environmental impact statement: working...
This volume contains specialist papers covering the M5 East Motorway: variation from Bexley Road to General Holmes drive (zoning); variation from Bexley Road to General Holmes... -
From OpenGov Review of environmental factors: Central Coast Highway upgrade: Carlton Road...
These appendices provide supporting environmental information for the 'Central Coast Highway upgrade Carlton Road to Matcham Road review of environmental factors volume one... -
From OpenGov Victoria Road upgrade: preliminary environmental investigation
The NSW Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) proposes to upgrade Victoria Road to improve the efficiency and reliability of bus services and alleviate traffic congestion between... -
From OpenGov Safety improvements to the Princes Highway (SH1), south of Nowra: review of...
The project is located on the Princes highway between BTU Road, Nowra (chainage 7100) and Falls Road, Falls Creek (Chainage 11310), south of Nowra. The proposal is approximately... -
From OpenGov Proposed upgrade of Avoca Drive, Green Point: preliminary environmental investigation
The New South Wales Roads and Traffic Authority proposes to upgrade Avoca Drive between Bayside Drive and Sun Valley Road and link Asca Drive to Koolang Road at Green Point. The... -
From OpenGov Hume Highway duplication: Yarra Yarra to Holbrook: volume 2: environmental...
The NSW Roads & Traffic Authority (RTA) is proposing to duplicate five sections of the Hume Highway south of its intersection with the Sturt Highway to north of Albury. This... -
From OpenGov Proposed north - west transitways: Parramatta - Rouse Hill Transitway:...
The Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) in partnership with the Ministry of Transport is proposing to construct and operate two integrated rapid bus transit links (T-ways). The... -
From OpenGov Windsor flood evacuation route across South Creek: environmental impact...
The proposal involves the construction of a flood evacuation route over the South Creek flood plain comprising a high level bridge crossing of South Creek. The flood evacuation... -
From OpenGov North West Transport Links East: environmental impact statement: working...
This report of existing conditions and assessment of visual impact, covers the transport links study area to the east of Pennant Hills Road. A similar report has been prepared... -
From OpenGov North West Transport Links East: environmental impact statement: working...
The Roads and Traffic Authority is currently undertaking a North West Transport Links environmental impact study encompassing the corridor from Old Windsor Road in the West to...