From OpenGov Proposed Picton Road truck parking area: statement of environmental effects
The New South Wales Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) proposes to construct a truck parking facility eastbound on Picton Road approximately 2km west of the Cordeaux Dam turnoff. -
From OpenGov Review of environmental factors : F3 widening : volume 1
This report contains a review of the proposed widening of the F3 to three lanes in each direction, from 4.2 kilometres south of Mount White Overbridge to 1.0 kilometres north of... -
From OpenGov Avon dam access road upgrade : review of environmental factors
The New South Wales Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) has been commissioned by the Sydney Catchment Authority (SCA) to undertake road works along the Avon Dam Road from the SCA... -
From OpenGov Review of environmental factors: F3 widening: volume 2: appendices
This report contains a review of the proposed widening of the F3 to three lanes in each direction, from 4.2 kilometres south of Mount White Overbridge to 1.0 kilometres north of... -
From OpenGov Moorebank interchange: review of environmental factors: volume 2 - appendices
The Moorebank interchange is located on the M5 Motorway at Moorebank between the eastern end of the Georges River Bridge and Heathcote Road. These appendices support the report... -
From OpenGov Windsor flood evacuation route across South Creek: environmental impact...
The proposal involves the construction of a flood evacuation route over the South Creek flood plain comprising a high level bridge crossing of South Creek. The flood evacuation... -
From OpenGov Cowpasture Road upgrade: Camden Valley Way to Main Street: review of...
The NSW Roads and Traffic Authority proposes to upgrade and widen Cowpasture Road between Camden Valley Way and main street Horningsea Park. The proposed works would widen the... -
From OpenGov Realignment of Mitchell Highway at Copper Hill, 4 to 6km north of Molong:...
The proposed realignment of the Mitchell Highway, between four and six kilometres north of Molong, involves the construction of a new bridge over Molong Creek and the... -
From OpenGov Lemon Tree Creek and Termeil Creek Bridge replacements, Lake Tabourie:...
The proposal site is located on the princes Highway, approximately 15km south of Ulladulla and 30km north of Bateman's Bay. Lemon Tree Creek Bridge is approximately 1km, and... -
From OpenGov Campbelltown Road upgrade: Camden Valley Way: Brooks Road: submissions...
Overview of the proposed Campbelltown Road upgrade Roads and Maritime Services (Roads and Maritime) proposes to upgrade 5.4 kilometres of Campbelltown Road between Camden Valley... -
From OpenGov Proposed widening of the Princes Highway between Mogo and Moruya, Stage 3:...
Stage 3 of the proposed widening of the Princes Highway is for a length of approximately 3.3km between Mogo and Moruya. Major environmental impacts include loss of habitat... -
From OpenGov Kings Highway: Kingsway deviation: review of environmental factors: main...
This review describes the potential impacts of the proposal to realign the Kings Highway (MR51) between Thurralilly Street and approximately 380 metres east of Regent Drive,... -
From OpenGov Weekly Economic Calendar - for the week commencing 27 November 2017
Weekly Economic Calendar shows future release dates of key economic data and publications used by NSW Treasury for monitoring and analysis. -
From OpenGov Weekly Market and Economics Roundup for the week ended 24 November 2017
This Roundup covers critical economic data and publications used by NSW Treasury for monitoring and analysis. -
From OpenGov Skills Board Annual Report 2016-2017
No notes provided -
From OpenGov Department of Justice Annual Report 2016-17
This report highlights the department's achievements and initiatives in the 2016-17 financial year -
From OpenGov Mental Health Review Tribunal - Annual Report 2016-17
No notes provided -
From OpenGov Sydney Opera House Annual Report 2016-2017
Sydney Opera House Annual Report 2016-2017 -
From OpenGov FACS 2016-17 Annual Report Volume 3 NGO grants and subsidies
No notes provided