From OpenGov Crash protection for children after their third birthday : TARU 2/78
This report is a statement of philosophy, supported by information gleaned from opinion surveys, crash studies and lab- oratory tests and evaluations. It is intended as a guide... -
From OpenGov Crash protection for babies : TARU 2/74
The dynamic performance of devices that are intended to protect baby occupants of crashing automobiles is examined from an engineering point of view. Dynamic collision... -
From OpenGov Crash performance of emergency locking retractor seat belts : TARU 5/76
The crash performance of emergency locking retractor (inertia reel) seat belts is examined by in-depth field investigations and by laboratory simulations. It is found that the... -
From OpenGov Compulsory wearing of seat belts: a feasibility study : TARU 6/70
Analysis is made of the questions to be resolved in the event of a decision at Govenment level to introduce compulsory wearing of seat belts by vehicle occupants generally.... -
From OpenGov Compulsory wearing of seat belts in New South Wales, Australia : an...
In New South Wales, the wearing of seat belts was compelled by a new regulation (Regulation 110F) under the Motor Traffic Act, 1909, in the following terms: "No person shall,... -
From OpenGov Compulsory wearing of seat belts : a preliminary evaluation of effects : TARU 1/72
In this paper the early effects of the legislation in New South Wales are examined. -
From OpenGov Compulsory seat belts: a survey of public reaction and stated usage : TARU 9/74
In March 1973, 18 months after seat belt use became mandatory in NSW, 1251 people were interviewed in Sydney on their seat belt usage and attitudes. This survey was a repeat of... -
From OpenGov Communicating road safety to the young pedestrian : an exploratory research...
Young pedestrians have long been a major target for road safety propaganda partly due to their over-representation in pedestrian traffic crashes. The Australian Department of... -
From OpenGov Communicating road safety to the young pedestrian: an exploratory research...
Young pedestrians have long been a major target for road safety propaganda partly due to their over-representation in pedestrian traffic crashes. The Australian Department of... -
From OpenGov Communicating road safety to the young pedestrian : evaluation of road...
This is the second of two reports. The first, an exploratory research programme on communicating road safety information to the young pedestrian, indicated a need for road... -
From OpenGov Collisions with utility poles : TARU : 79/128
This report contains background papers, discussions and a summary of proposals. -
From OpenGov Children wearing approved restraints and adults' belts in crashes : TARU 1/81
This report is based upon an in-depth study (IMPACT 7) of 73 children who occupied cars in 231 crashes on New South Wales roads. The crashes were reported to involve children... -
From OpenGov Child safety in cars : the background to effective education and promotion...
In such an important area as the restraint of children in car crashes, it is essential whilst developing a programme of education and promotion, that the end object of reducing... -
From OpenGov Child restraints : preliminary information on usage and attitudes : TARU 2/75
The legislation making it compulsory for vehicle occupants to use approved restraints does not apply to children aged under eight years. Observation surveys of usage have... -
From OpenGov Blood alcohol levels of persons killed in motor traffic accidents : TARU 6/81
Coroners' data on blood alcohol concentrations of fatally injured crash victims in New South Wales are examined. Published data from Victoria and Queensland are summarised. It... -
From OpenGov Breath-alcohol vehicle interlock : TARU 7/80
Investigations by the New South Wales Department of Motor Transport's Traffic Accident Research Unit over the past two years, into ways of reducing excessive drink-driving, have... -
From OpenGov Caravans in traffic crashes : TARU 5/74
From time-to-time, questions arise regarding the role played in traffic crashes by caravans towed by cars or car-derived vehicles (station wagons, utilities, panel vans). It has... -
From OpenGov Child restraints : TARU 5/79
Paper presented on 26th October, 1979 at the Road Safety Seminar, Ministry of Transport, Queensland. Child restraints give to children the level of crash protection that... -
From OpenGov Child restraint size : TARU 6/76
This report is intended as a source of information to be used in the development and evaluation of child safety restraints. It is in the main literature survey of Australian,... -
From OpenGov Child restraint field study : TARU 7/77
This report deals with an in-depth study of 149 children who were ostensibly restrained in preparation for crashes, and who actually experienced collisions of the passenger cars...