From OpenGov Accident blackspots at midblock sites on N.S.W. highways : TARU special report 85/126
?A project aimed at identifying accident blackspots at midblock locations on N.S.W. State highways and freeways is described. The locations of approximately 20,000 crashes on... -
From OpenGov Accidents involving road tankers with flammable loads : TARU 1/84
An in-depth on-scene study of forty-two road tanker incidents with flammable loads was conducted in New South Wales over a period of fifteen months by teams each consisting of... -
From OpenGov Additional high mounted rear brake lights as a possible countermeasure to...
A brief examination is made of the likely mechanism of action for the reduction in rear-end collisions arising from the installation of a central high mounted rear brake light.... -
From OpenGov Alcohol, drugs and accident risk : TARU 4/75
The investigations detailed in this report represent a systematic attempt to study the interactive effects of single therapeutic doses of drugs and social doses of alcohol on... -
From OpenGov Alcohol, drugs and accident risk : second report : TARU 1/80
The psychomotor effects of seven commonly used drugs, both licit and illicit, have been examined in human volunteers when given alone and in combination with alcohol. The drugs... -
From OpenGov NSW Electoral Commission Annual Report 2017-18
Annual report of the NSW Electoral Commission for 2017-18 -
From OpenGov NSW Electoral Commission Annual Report 2016-17
Annual report of the NSW Electoral Commission for 2016-17 -
From OpenGov NSW Electoral Commission Annual Report 2015-16
Annual report of the NSW Electoral Commission for 2015-16 -
From OpenGov NSW Electoral Commission Annual Report 2013-14
Annual report of the NSW Electoral Commission for 2013-14 -
From OpenGov NSW Electoral Commission Annual Report 2012-13
Annual report of the NSW Electoral Commission for 2012-13 -
From OpenGov NSW Electoral Commission Annual Report 2011-12
Annual report of the NSW Electoral Commission for the year 2011-12 -
From OpenGov NSW Electoral Commission Annual Report 2010-11
Annual report of the NSW Electoral Commission for the year 2010-11 -
From OpenGov NSW Electoral Commission Annual Report 2014-15
Annual report of the NSW Electoral Commission for the year 2014-15 -
From OpenGov Daytime headlamps for motorcyclists : summary report : TARU 2/80
The Traffic Accident Research Unit was charged with commissioning, monitoring and assessing the effects of the publicity campaign, and with conducting the investigation of... -
From OpenGov Crash injury data : a comparison of police and insurance information in New...
Crash injury data : a comparison of police and insurance information in New South Wales : TARU 2/74 -
From OpenGov Crashes at railway level crossings : TARU 1/72
The 486 accidents reported by Police to have occurred at railway level crossings in New South Wales in the four years 1966 to 1969 were studied. Less than half were collisions... -
From OpenGov Crash protection for the sub-teen child : TARU 4/74
This report describes a program of simulated car crashes and examinations designed to evaluate the child restraints currently available in Australia. Each restraint was... -
From OpenGov An assessment of measures to reduce cyclist and motorcyclist accidents : TARU 4/72
The topic of this paper concerns specifically cyclist and motorcyclist accidents and assessment of measures to reduce them. Countermeasures aimed at reducing the quantity of... -
From OpenGov Anatomical factors in lap/sash seat belt wearing : TARU 7/76
The compulsory use of lap/sash seat belts has improved crash protection of car occupants but belts do not always provide absolute protection and although they assist in... -
From OpenGov Blood alcohol levels of fatally injured drivers, motorcyclists and...
Results of post-mortem blood alcohol data for drivers, motorcycle riders and pedestrians who died as a result of crashes which occurred in the first six months of 1980 in New...