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Organisational Information Requirements

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Organisational Information Requirements (OIR) describe the information required by an agency for asset management systems and other organisational functions. That is, they are organisational-level business information requirements, such as whole of government reporting requirements and information required to assess progress against agency strategic plans, rather than asset-level or project-level information requirements.

The requirements at the OIR level typically support decisions that need to be made about the asset owned by the agency, including:

  • Asset portfolio planning and management (e.g. understand the assets functionality, performance and cost)
  • Strategic asset management
  • Regulatory compliance.

Whole of government information management requirements are outlined in the:

Additional legal or regulatory requirements apply in specific agency or business domains and all organisations should identify the specific requirements that apply to their environment. Requirements for information management are also outlined in agency-specific policies, standards and guidelines as well as in Commonwealth government legislation (for example Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018, Telecommunication and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2017 (Telecommunications Sector Security Reforms).

Once these organisational level requirements are defined, the information requirements for the different phases of the asset lifecycle must be cascaded to the relevant parts of the business, including any external suppliers that support relevant business activities.


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Last updated 12 Nov 2020