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NSW Government Data Strategy

Delivering data for better outcomes.

Minister's Foreword

Good data is at the heart of effective decision-making in modern, agile and accountable governments. Enabled by a data-driven understanding of our community, the NSW Government is better equipped to deliver on essential services and reforms. This includes addressing cost of living and housing, boosting frontline services in areas like health and education, and supporting the wellbeing and prosperity of our communities and businesses.

The NSW Data Strategy’s five missions will ensure that Government’s data needs are met now and into the future. It sets out a vision for data as a shared asset for improving community wellbeing. The missions are dedicated to delivering meaningful insights, safe, ethical and efficient data management, shared and accessible data, and a skilled and capable workforce. Through the Strategy we are also building mature and sustainable data systems that embrace and adapt to new technologies.

As a community, we trust our data is managed safely and used responsibly so that risks to data safety and privacy are managed and minimised. The NSW Data Strategy lays the foundations for safe, ethical data use, and continuous improvement in data skills and practices for delivering the data, insights and evidence that is essential to building a better NSW.

Minister Dib

The Hon Jihad Dib MP
Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government 
Minister for Emergency Services 
Minister for Youth Justice 
Member for Bankstown

Explore the strategy

Young lady sitting on a train station bench wearing headphones

Delivering data to inform effective decision-making across all functions of an agile government

Father and daughter embracing while looking at camera and smiling

Share data for more meaningful insights

Father helping son ride a bicyle, on a path next to a river

Deliver data for better outcome

Female worker directing construction workers

Build community trust through safe and efficient data practices

Two young people collaborating on a project

Build agile and optimised data systems

Female chef cooking in a kitchen

Uplift data capability in our workforce

"The NSW Data Strategy aims to get the right data to the right people at the right time to support shared decision-making by government and community."

  • The Hon Jihad Dib MP






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Get in touch to learn more about the NSW Data Strategy. The NSW Data Strategy team can be reached at:

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