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Mission 5

Uplift data capability in our workforce.

Video about mission 5 of the NSW Data Strategy

Our goals

Quality data and insights can only be delivered by a skilled and capable workforce. It takes an array of people working in a coordinated and streamlined ecosystem to deliver the right data to the right people at the right time. From frontline workers, who collect and report data, through the hands of specialised data professionals, overseen by data leaders, and used by policy makers and program providers (see Diagram 5 below).

The capabilities required at each stage differ in type, breadth and depth of skills and knowledge.

Our goal is to articulate the capabilities required across each part of the data ecosystem and drive uplift in data capability across the sector to meet government’s information needs.

The people needed to collect, deliver and use dataDiagram 5: The people needed to collect, deliver and use data

5A: Shared approaches to uplift data capability across the sector
5B: Leaders promote a data culture and data driven decision making

Draft content

How we’ll get there

5A: Shared approaches to uplift data capability across the sector

A diverse range of skill sets are needed across an effective data ecosystem – from foundational data literacy for non-technical roles to highly specialised data professionals.

Our aim is to clearly articulate the data capabilities needed in roles across the ecosystem.

A clear and consistent capability framework recognises data skills as a core requirement and drive capability uplift. It will ensure we recruit and retain staff with the right skills for the job, provide more defined career pathways and increase workforce mobility and expertise.

Related commitments
  1. Define an Occupation Specific Capability Set for data professionals and data-related capabilities for non-technical roles
  2. Build foundational data literacy and skill building programs
  3. Share knowledge, expertise and resources across the sector

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Progress we’ve made in this area
  • A Data and Analytics Capability Framework which reflects the key data capabilities and skills its workforce requires to drive the effective use and management of data to unlock its value for improved outcomes.
    • Online data literacy training modules which cover ways to understand the value of data and build capability, and which build confidence to find, read, interpret, consume and communicate data in accurate and meaningful ways 

    • Redeveloping the “Using Data with Confidence” program, a suite of resources that assist school executives and teachers to read, understand and interpret data 

    • Identifying opportunities to uplift low maturity reporting by establishing more efficient and secure data and reporting practices 

    • Developing agency-specific data strategies that address data literacy. 


5B: Leaders promote a data culture and data driven decision making

A data driven organisational culture identifies data capability as a core function and values data as an asset. A data driven decision-making culture uses data and insights as a matter of business-as-usual routine in delivering on the organisation’s remit.

Our leaders set the tone and agenda for building a data driven decision-making culture. Data leaders take a strategic approach to data reform, quality improvement, innovation and capability uplift. Policy, program and service leaders identify their information needs and ensure that data is at the heart of decision-making. Engagement and collaboration between data and policy leaders can set the pathway to delivering data for better outcomes.

Related commitments
  1. Develop a shared understanding of Chief Data Officer functions and embed the functions across agencies
  2. Identify opportunities for Senior Executive Data Leadership training
  3. Increase coordination and engagement between data leaders and policy leaders to identify and deliver on information needs
  4. Identify and implement initiatives that build a data driven decision-making culture

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Progress we’ve made in this area

The NSW Government has strengthened its data leadership and planning capabilities, with a focus on strategic planning and cross-sector coordination:

  • Chief Data Officers and Chief Information Officers deliver agency-based data leadership functions
  • The NSW Data Leadership Group is a cross-sector leadership forum that takes cross-sector, strategic approach to building a data-informed culture and meeting government’s information needs
  • The Information and Communications Technology and Digital Leadership Group (IDLG) plans data practice and infrastructure needs with a focus on cyber security
  • The Data Champions Network brings people together from across government to build capability and share knowledge
  • NSW Chief Cyber Security Officers or Chief Information Security Officers implement cyber security strategy, build cyber security culture and maturity, addressing threats and responding to incidents.

Share data for more meaningful insights

Deliver data for better outcomes

Build community trust through safe and efficient data practices

Build agile and optimised data systems