Fine scale vegetation mapping for areas of coastal north east NSW undertaken by Steve Griffiths and Bob Wilson from 1984 to the present. The mapping includes all large and many smaller conservation reserves from the Forster district northwards, in addition to areas of significant native vegetation on crown or freehold land. Aerial photo interpretation (API) of predominantly 1:25000 colour photography, and limited coverage at scales of 1:10000 and 1:16000.
The structural classification follows Walker & Hopkins (1984). Subformation names are an adaptation of the classification proposed by Beadle & Costin (1952). The communities were named after dominant indicator species of the tallest stratum (and occasionally lower stratum), and most could be considered associations using the definition of Beadle (1981).
The separately mapped areas were merged into a single dataset in 1994. Yuraygir was updated in 2001-02. In 2011 three additional areas were included: Booti Booti National Park (1999), Frogalla Swamp (1996)and Saltwater Catchment (2005, Kendall and Kendall). NB. Frogalla and Saltwater were mapped for non OEH projects.
The combined dataset includes the following areas:
- Booti Booti NP
- Broadwater NP
- Bundjalung NP
- Crowdy Bay NP
- Diggers Camp VCL
- Emerald Beach VCL
- Frogalla Swamp (GTCC contract, 1996)
- Goanna Headland VCL
- Hat Head NP
- Hathead NP
- Iluka NR
- Kattang NR
- Lake Innes NR
- Limeburners Creek NR
- Minnie Waters VCL
- Moonee Beach NR
- Newrybar Swamp VCL
- Richmond River VCL
- Saltwater Catchment (DLWC contract, P.Kendall, 2003)
- Yuraygir NP
Please note that many of the reserve boundaries have expanded since the original vegetation mapping. RN17 Forest Type codes were only added to the vegetation mapping in 1994 ie. the later additions do not have FT codes in the attribute table. (VIS ID 3885)