Linework based on reconnaissance and soil landscape coverage was created as a result of modifications and updates made to the original Soil and Regolith Attributes for the CRA/RFA Model Resolution (Upper North-East and Lower North-East CRA Regions, DLWC 1999) and includes new linework in some areas and complete re-tagging of map units. ;
This linework delineates soil landscapes for the entire Upper North-East and Lower North-East CRA Region, including the Singleton 1:250 000 map sheet. The attribute data for each soil landscape unit is described in a linked Microsoft Access database Soil Landscape Regolith Stability for North-East New South Wales and contains information on soil and landscape properties and limitations which are useful in planning for sustainable land use. ;
The coverage contains a regolith stability class (soil erodibility), which is broken up into four classes (1-4). A regolith stability classification consists of a dominant class and up to three sub-dominant classes (if necessary), for example, R1(3,4), where R1 is the dominant regolith stability class and (3,4) are the sub-dominant regolith stability classes. See Murphy, C.L., Fogarty, P.J. and Ryan P.J. 1998, Soil Regolith Stability Classification for State Forests in Eastern New South Wales, Technical Report No. 41, Department of Land and Water Conservation, for further information.