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Montane Lagoon EEC Locations 2008. VIS_ID 3909

Montane lake (lagoon) point locations of the New England Tablelands Bioregion. The vegetation of montane lagoons of the New England Tablelands Bioregion, New South Wales is examined using flexible UPGMA analysis of frequency scores on all vascular plant taxa, charophytes and one liverworts. Seven communities are described-; 1. Hydrocotyle tripartita - Isotoma fluviatilis - Ranunculus inundatus - Lilaeopsis polyantha herbfield; 2. Eleocharis sphacelata - Potamogeton tricarinatus sedgeland; 3. Eleocharis sphacelata - Utricularia australis - Isolepis fluitans, herbfield; 4. Utricularia australis - Nitella sonderi herbfield; 5. Eleocharis sphacelata - Utricularia australis - Ricciocarpus natans sedgeland; 6. Carex gaudichaudiana - Holcus lanatus - Stellaria angustifolia sedgeland; 7. Cyperus sphaeroides - Eleocharis gracilis - Schoenus apogon - Carex gaudichaudiana sedgeland.; 58 lagoons were located and identified, only 28% of which are considered to be intact and in good condition. Two; threatened species (Aldovandra vesiculosa and Arthaxon hispidus) and three RoTAP-listed taxa were encountered; during the survey. VIS_ID 3909

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Additional Info

Field Value
Title Montane Lagoon EEC Locations 2008. VIS_ID 3909
Type Dataset
Language English
Licence Creative Commons Attribution
Update Frequency unknown
Landing Page https://uatweb.datansw.links.com.au/data/dataset/6a361e7b-71e2-4936-b330-3e1055844c5c
Date Published 2018-09-06
Date Updated 2019-08-21
Temporal Coverage 01/01/1998 - 01/06/2010
Geospatial Coverage {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[152.227, -31.7135], [152.227, -29.4413], [151.1841, -29.4413], [151.1841, -31.7135], [152.227, -31.7135]]]}
Data Portal Data.NSW
Publisher/Agency Department of Planning, Industry and Environment