We received 15,822 injury notifications during the year with $1.41 billion in benefits paid out by the Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Personal Injury Insurance Scheme for injuries...
In 2014/15 the DDB continued to provide ongoing support to NSW workers with a dust disease. This year saw 345 new cases of occupational exposure to a dust disease.
In June 2014 the NSW Government announced a series of enhancements to better support the State’s injured workers to return to work. This included ensuring access to hearing aids...
This year the LTCSA spent $99.2 million on services for our 1,036 participants. We looked at ways to improve services and give participants more choice and control, piloting a...
Combined annual reports of the 14 NSW Health Professional Councils presented in three parts: Part 1 - governance information and data applicable to all Councils Part 2 - Council...