From OpenGov Sydney Catchment (SCA) Upper Canal bridge maintenance works: review of...
The Sydney Catchment (SCA) proposes to carry out maintenance works on SCA Upper Canal bridges. The Canal gravity feeds water from the upper Nepean System dams to Prospect... -
From OpenGov South Western (F5) freeway: Alexandria to Beverly Hills: environmental...
Prior to the preparation of the Environmental Impact Statement, the Roads and Traffic Authority undertook an extensive public consultation programme to ascertain the views of... -
From OpenGov Upgrade of Elizabeth Drive from east of Mamre Road to Luddenham Road...
The proposal is to upgrade a 9.4 km section of Elizabeth Drive from about 400 metres east of Mamre Road to Luddenham Road, located some 10 km north west of the Liverpool CBD... -
From OpenGov New bridge and approaches at the Woronora River, Woronora: supplementary...
This Review of Environmental Factors (REF) has been prepared as a supplementary environmental assessment to the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) prepared in 1990 for the... -
From OpenGov Tugun Bypass: submissions report: supplement to the draft environmental...
These appendices support the main environmental impact statement report for the proposed Tugun Bypass between Currumbin, Queensland and Tweed Heads, NSW. The route of the Tugun... -
From OpenGov Family and Community Services Aboriginal strategy 2013-2015: Better Outcomes...
Better Outcomes provides an overarching department-wide policy on Aboriginal service responses, to connect activities across the department as it move towards localised service... -
From OpenGov Karuah to Bulahdelah: Pacific Highway upgrading: species impact statement: volume 2
The purpose of this report is to assess the likely impacts on threatened and regionally significant species that could arise from the proposed upgrading of the pacific highway... -
From OpenGov Proposed Cross City Tunnel: Kings Cross to Darling Harbour: environmental...
This report reviews the environmental impact statement, issues raised in submissions and in representations made in response to its exhibition and other relevant matters. The... -
From OpenGov Preliminary environmental site assessments of land for flood detention...
Environment & Earth Sciences Pty Ltd was requested by the Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) to undertake site walkover surveys and desktop studies of land to be used as... -
From OpenGov NSW Environment Protection Authority Annual Report 2016-17
NSW EPA Annual Report -
From OpenGov NSW Police Force Annual Report 2016-17
NSW Police Force Annual Report 2016-17 -
From OpenGov State Super (SAS Trustee Corporation) Annual Report 2016-17
State Super (SAS Trustee Corporation) Annual Report to Parliament 2016-17 -
From OpenGov Combined NSW Health Professional Councils Annual Report 2016-17
Annual report of the 14 NSW Health Professional Councils -
From OpenGov NSW Education Standards Authority Annual Report 2016-2017
No notes provided -
From OpenGov Public Service Commission Annual Report 2016-2017
Public Service Commission Annual Report 2016-2017 -
From OpenGov NSW carers strategy 2014-2019
Five year plan to improve quality of life outcomes for carers in NSW -
From OpenGov Stronger Together: the second phase, 2011-2016
Outlines second phase of the 10 year plan launched in 2006, to improve disability services -
From OpenGov Ready Together Annual Report 2014
Reports on final phase of Stronger Together 2 strategic plan and the beginning of reforms under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) -
From OpenGov Stronger Together 2 Annual Report 2011–2012
No notes provided