From SEED Peat-forming bogs and fens of the Snowy Mountains
Bogs and fens are common in the Snowy Mountains of south-eastern New South Wales (NSW). This study provides the first comprehensive mapping of the region’s peatlands. It has... -
From SEED High Environmental Values of the Riverina Murray Planning Region - detailed
This polygon shape file is a 1:25,000 – 1: 50 000 environmental dataset combining 16 input data sources. These are outlined in the lineage statement. The input data sets... -
From SEED Assessment of Bangalay Sand Forest TEC on NSW Crown Forest Estate
Bangalay Sand Forest is a threatened ecological community (TEC) associated with coastal sand plains found in the Sydney Basin and South East Corner bioregions. The most common... -
From SEED Assessment of Tablelands Snow Gum, Black Sallee, Candlebark and Ribbon Gum...
The operational map for Tablelands Snow Gum, Black Sallee, Candlebark and Ribbon Gum Grassy Woodland (Tableland Snow Gum or TSG) was constructed to resolve long-standing issues... -
From SEED Assessment of Swamp Oak Floodplain Forest TEC on NSW Crown Forest Estate...
The operational map for Swamp Oak Floodplain Forest (SOFF) was constructed to resolve long-standing issues surrounding its identification, location and extent within the NSW... -
From SEED Mount Foxlow-Harrisons Peak Vegetation Map. VIS_ID 4210
A survey by Barrer (1997) of remnant native vegetation in the south-east section of Yarrowlumla Shire identified areas of high or potentially high nature conservation... -
From SEED Marine LiDAR classified point cloud data (LAS)
Remotely sensed topographic (elevation) and bathymetric (depth) information were acquired for the NSW coast (Point Danger to Cape Howe) and southern Queensland (Palm Beach to... -
From SEED Assessment of McKies Stringybark/Blackbutt Open Forest on NSW Crown Forest Estate
The operational map McKies Stringybark/Blackbutt Open Forest (MSBOF) was constructed to resolve long-standing issues surrounding its identification, location and extent within... -
From SEED Assessment of Rainforest TECS on NSW Crown Forest Estate
Operational map for Lowland Rainforest: The operational map for Lowland Rainforest (LORF) was constructed to resolve long-standing issues surrounding its identification,... -
From SEED Assessment of Grey Box Grey Gum Wet Sclerophyll Forest TEC on NSW Crown Forest Estate
Operational map: The operational map for Grey Box Grey Gum Wet Sclerophyll Forest (GBWS) was constructed to resolve long-standing issues surrounding its identification, location... -
From SEED Assessment of White Gum Moist Forest on NSW Crown Forest Estate
An indicative map for White Gum Moist Forest (WGMF) was constructed to resolve long-standing issues surrounding its identification, location and extent within the NSW State... -
From SEED Assessment of Swamp Sclerophyll Forest on Coastal Floodplains TEC on NSW...
The operational map for Swamp Sclerophyll Forest (SSF) was constructed to resolve long-standing issues surrounding its identification, location and extent within the NSW State... -
From SEED Assessment of River-Flat Eucalypt forest on Coastal floodplains TEC on NSW...
The operational map for River-flat Eucalypt Forest (RFEF) was constructed to resolve long-standing issues surrounding its identification, location and extent within the NSW... -
From SEED Proposed marine aggregate terminal, Pyrmont, traffic study : July 1993
Environmental Impact Statement: Proposed marine aggrgate terminal, Pyrmont, traffic study : July 1993 -
From SEED Marine aggregate proposal : marine ecological investigations
Environmental Impact Statement: Marine aggregate proposal : marine ecological investigations -
From SEED NSW Subtidal Marine Habitat Data
Subtidal marine habitats in NSW Coastal Waters - 2005 - 2016 -
From SEED Hornsby Local Government Area Remnant Trees, 2008. VIS_ID 4472
Stands of remnant trees are important for conservation of biodiversity in the Urban District of Hornsby Shire. Particularly important are the stands of Blue Gum Shale Forest,... -
From SEED Hornsby Local Government Area Threatened Ecological Communities, 2008. VIS_ID 4470
Updated mapping of Threatened Ecological Communities (TECs). The native vegetation communities of Hornsby Shire were originally identified and mapped in 1990-1993. The present... -
From SEED Land management within capability monitoring MER 2008: State of Catchment...
State of Catchment reports for the 2008 baseline in Land Management within Capability (LMwC) were produced for each Catchment Management Authority based on incomplete results... -
From SEED Palerang Local Land Service (LLS) Biometric Vegetation. VIS_ID 4209
This dataset provides input to the Palerang LGA Bush Fire Prone Land Map, which comprises this Bush Fire Vegetation map plus buffers created in accordance with the Guideline for...