From SEED Historic Heritage Information Management System (HHIMS) Sites
The Historic Heritage Information Management System (HHIMS) assists Environment, Energy & Science (EES) within the Department of Planning, Industry & Environment (DPIE)... -
From ePlanning BASIX New Single Dwelling 2011-12 to 2018-19
BASIX New Single Dwelling 2011-12 to 2018-19 -
Find by LIA Band
A monthly list of club and hotel licenced venue data containing licence number, licence name, venue address and geocodes, gaming machine information such as entitlement numbers... -
From City of Sydney 2017 Floor space and employment survey block data
Data collected from the 2017 Floor space and employment survey. Showing employment, internal floor area and number of businesses by block in the Local Government Area. The 2017... -
NSW People Matter Employee Survey
The annual NSW People Matter Employee Survey provides an important opportunity for almost 400,000 employees to have a say about their workplace and to help make the public... -
From SEED Lane Cove LGA vegetation map. VIS_ID 4213
Draft vegetation mapping layer for Lane Cove LGA, produced by STORM Consulting. See report for further information (under Supplemental Information). VIS_Id 4213 Data for... -
From SEED Great Lakes LGA Vegetation 2003. VIS_ID 1287
Vegetation Mapping for parts of Great Lakes LGA undertaken by Kylie Marriot-Brown in 2003. The study area for this Vegetation Strategy generally consists of the eastern two-... -
From SEED Shellharbour LGA Vegetation Map, 2001. VIS_ID 3962
The natural vegetation in the City of Shellharbour (LGA). Map of native vegetation that has retained most of its structural and floristic characteristics, including regrowth... -
From SEED Wyong LGA Endangered Ecological Communities EECs Map 2009 VIS ID 3904
Endangered Ecological Communities (EECs) for Wyong LGA mapped by Stephen Bell in 2009. This data originates from the vegetation map of 2008 which included a "EEC Equivalent"... -
From SEED Kempsey LGA West Potential EECs 2007. VIS_ID 375
GHD Pty Ltd (GHD) has been engaged by Kempsey Shire Council (KSC) to prepare a Vegetation Distribution Map and Endangered Ecological Communities Map for the portion of the Shire... -
From SEED Kempsey LGA East Candidate EECs 2004. VIS_ID 373
Native Vegetation and Candidate Endangered Ecological Community mapping for Kempsey LGA East by GECO Environmental and Kendall and Kendall Ecological consultants in 2004. The... -
From SEED Gosford LGA EEC Points 2006. VIS_ID 3906
Individual tree locations of Umina Coastal Sandplain Woodlands (UCSW) recorded by Robert Payne in 2007. Only Angophora floribunda (FLO) and Eucalyptus botryoides were plotted... -
From SEED Gosford LGA Pre1750 Vegetation. VIS_ID 3907
Pre 1750 vegetation mapping for Gosford LGA by Stephen Bell in 2004. A vegetation survey, classification and mapping program was undertaken during 2003. A revision to the 2004... -
From SEED Gosford LGA EECs 2006. VIS_ID 3905
Gosford Ecological Endangered Communities mapping of Swamp Sclerophyll (Swamp Mahogany Broad Leaved Paper Bark Forest) and Umina Coastal Sandplain Woodland. These EECs were... -
From SEED Boorabee and The Willows IPA Vegetation 2015. VIS_ID 4775
Landmark Ecological Services Pty Ltd (Landmark) was engaged by the Nature Conservation Council (NCC) to conduct fine-scale mapping of vegetation, at Boorabee and The Willows, an... -
From SEED Wyong LGA Vegetation Map 2002 VIS ID 738
Vegetation map of Wyong Local Government Area - Extant Distribution. Vegetation survey, analysis and mapping has been undertaken for Wyong LGA on the Central Coast of NSW.... -
From SEED Wyong LGA Vegetation Map, 2008. VIS_ID 3807
Vegetation mapping for Wyong Local Government Area undertaken by Stephen Bell and Colin Driscoll in 2008. A revision of existing mapping for Wyong LGA completed in 1999 and... -
From SEED Lake Macquarie LGA Vegetation 2012 VIS_ID 2307
Lake Macquarie City Council Working Composite Vegetation Community Map undertaken by Stephen Bell and Colin Driscoll from 2008 - 2013. A staged approach has been adopted by... -
From SEED Georges River Vegetation, pre-1750. VIS_ID 4101
The Georges River Biodiversity Study comprises four main components, the mapping of vegetation communities within the catchment, habitat modelling for priority fauna and flora... -
Premises list as of 1 Nov 2020
A monthly list of liquor licences including information such as liquor licence number, name, address, LGA, Licensee name, Trading Status, authorisation information, trading...