Spatial Services - NSW Cadastre
NSW Cadastre web service is a dynamic map of cadastral features extracted from the NSW Digital Cadastral Database (DCDB). It provides access to a state wide integrated database... -
Daily River Reports
Data regarding state river water levels, flow, and storage. Updated every weekday. Statewide reports and specific river reports for: Border Rivers Barwon-Darling River Basin... -
All Water Data - Groundwater construction
River, stream, dam and bore data displayed on a map. -
From SEED Vegetation Survey of Binnaway Nature Reserve. VIS_ID 840
The composition and extent of the present vegetation in Binnaway Nature Reserve is described and mapped at 1:50 000 scale from quadrat samples, field traverses and aerial... -
Find my LIA Band as at 11 Apr 2021
Find my LIA Band as at 11 Apr 2021 -
Census of Population and Housing
This dataset contains projected population figures from Transport for NSW’s Travel Zone Projection 2016 (TZP2016) model (formally known as LU16*). The data includes: • Estimated... -
From SEED Archive 2019 - Transitional - Vulnerable Regulated Land
This record is now superseded. The current record for ‘Transitional – Vulnerable Regulated Land' can be viewed here. Vulnerable Regulated Land layer is a component of the Native... -
From SEED Koala corridors in south-west Sydney
Map of koala movement corridors and priority restoration areas in a study area in south-western Sydney. Koala movement corridors are classified as primary, secondary and... -
Find my LIA Band as at 2 Mar 2021
Find my LIA Band data set as of 2 Mar 2021 -
From SEED Cumberland Subregion BIO Map Biodiversity Corridors of Regional Significance
The Biodiversity Investment Opportunities Map (BIO Map) is a key deliverable of the NSW Government’s $40 million Green Corridors program, a Government priority action identified... -
From SEED NSW nearshore wave buoy parameter time series data (active deployments)
In-situ ocean wave measurements have been collected at nearshore locations along the NSW coast. Wave data are collected by Sofar Spotter wave buoys... -
Find by LIA Band data set
Monthly LIA Band data set -
Fleet Vehicle expenditure data FY19-20
This report presents fleet vehicle spend data and a count of fleet units for NSW Government for the financial year 2019-20 -
Find my LIA Band as at 8 Feb 2021
Find my LIA Band as of 8 Feb 2021 -
Liquor licence premises list as at 8 Feb 2021
Data is subject to Change - The data contained in these reports is current at the time of publication. Conditions of use of information - A Creative Commons Attributions licence... -
From ePlanning Flying-Fox Foraging Habitat 2019
Mapping of the foraging habitat areas of the Grey-headed, Black and Little Red Flying-foxes in New South Wales. The grey-headed flying-fox is listed as a threatened species... -
Employment Lands Development Monitor
The aim of the Employment Lands Development Monitor (ELDM) is to provide the data and evidence needed to inform planning decisions that enable job creation. The ELDM contains... -
From SEED SLATS - Woody Vegetation Change - NSW 2015 and 2016
This layer shows woody vegetation change based on the analysis of multi-date SPOT5 and Sentinel2 imagery. This analysis was done for the period 2015 and 2016. Woody change is... -
From ePlanning State Environmental Planning Policy (Western Sydney Aerotropolis) 2020
The data represents the State Environmental Planning Policy (Western Sydney Aerotropolis) 2020 -
From SEED Vegetation mapping of Cape Byron State Conservation Area and Arakwal...
A vegetation survey, classification and mapping program of Cape Byron State Conservation Area and Arakwal National Park was carried out during 2007-8 by Andy Baker of Wildsite...