Parking Space Levy assessments
Dataset includes total number of liable car parks, client identifiers, car park location, category, number of spaces and number of liable spaces. Also included in the dataset... -
From ePlanning Reliable Surface Water in NSW
This map was created by the Department of Primary Industries (Office of Water) in 2013 to identify areas in NSW with a reliable surface water supply. Land with reliable surface... -
From ePlanning Groundwater Productivity in NSW - 2013
This map was created by the Department of Primary Industries (Office of Water) in 2013 to identify areas in NSW with highly productive groundwater. Mapping identifies two... -
GIPR20/24 - Fines issued from FY2013 to FY2019 for driving an unregistered vehicle
GIPR20/24 - Number of fines issued from 2013 to 2019 for the offence of driving an unregistered vehicle -
Warragamba - Flood Study - Stage 1
This report describes the hydraulic modelling for the first stage of a flood study of the Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley commissioned by the Water Board in 1987. The study is required... -
Cycling Data
These datasets include data from the Sydney Cycling Survey (SCS). The SCS surveys over 11,000 individuals from 4,000 households. It collects information about cyclists, cycling... -
NSW retirement villages register
The retirement villages register enables prospective residents to search for villages located in the area they are interested in. The register contains the village’s trading... -
Spatial Services - Environmental Spatial Programs - NSW Property
The NSW Property web service provides access to a polygon feature class that spatially represents an aspatial property description as provided by the Valuer Generals Department... -
Household Travel Survey
The Household Travel Survey (HTS) collects information on personal travel behaviour. The study area is the Sydney Greater Metropolitan Area (GMA) and forms the geographic scope... -
Residential land lease communities register
Prospective residents interested in moving into a residential land lease community can use the register to find out where parks are located and how to contact them. The register... -
NSW Government ICT Metrics
The ICT Metrics Program is an annual data collection, analysis and benchmarking initiative, to monitor ICT investment and performance across NSW Government. This dataset... -
NSW Administrative Boundaries
The NSW Administrative Boundaries Web Service is a dynamic map of administrative and property boundaries. Administrative Areas Boundaries depict a polygon feature class within... -
Human Services Data Hub NGO providers
The Human Services Data Hub aggregates data about human services funded by NSW Government. This dataset lists NGO providers who had active service agreements in 2014/15 and... -
Transport Performance and Analytics (TPA) Travel Zone Explorer
Travel Zones (TZs) are the spatial unit of geography defined by Transport Performance and Analytics (TPA), a business unit within Transport for NSW (TfNSW). The TZ spatial layer... -
NSW Address Location Service
The NSW Address Location Service web service allows the user to enter an address and pinpoint the location of that address. The NSW Address Location Service is derived from the... -
Interactive average daily traffic volume map
Interactive map displaying average road traffic volumes for a selection of permanent Roads and Maritime Services roadside collection device stations across NSW. Figures will be... -
Home Building Complaints
Statistics relating to home building complaints by cause, defect and industry type. They have been graphed to represent: the cause of the defect at the centre of the complaint... -
Prequalification Scheme: Contingent Workforce
The NSW Government Prequalification Scheme: Contingent Workforce introduces a new approach for the engagement of contingent workers by government agencies. It allows suppliers... -
Train Data
Train patronage dataset provides Opal Train Trips by month, operator, contract area and card type. An Opal trip is where an Opal card is used to tap-on and tap-off, including... -
Transport Open Data Hub
The Open Data Hub is the portal to Transport for NSW’s data and information. It also acts as a showcase for innovation from the use of transport data. For app developers, it...