NSW Address Location Service

The NSW Address Location Service web service allows the user to enter an address and pinpoint the location of that address.

The NSW Address Location Service is derived from the Geocoded Urban and Rural Address System (GURAS) database.

This web service allows users to easily integrate NSW addressing information into spatial platforms and applications.

The addressing web service provides users with a unique and unambiguous identification of an address site and its location within NSW. The ability to identify the location of an address supports a wide range of business functions including: the delivery of products and services, public safety, communication and socio-economic and demographic analysis.

The GURAS database is the authoritative property addressing system for NSW.

Data and Resources


Additional Info

Field Value
Unpublished false
Geospatial Coverage New South Wales (NSW81093)
Temporal Coverage From 2014-01-01
Temporal Coverage To
Idioma English
Type Service
Data Status Active
Update Frequency Other (specify in dataset description/notes)
Display User Contact Details No
Publisher DFSI Spatial Services
Contact Email sds@lpi.nsw.gov.au
Jurisdiction New South Wales