From SEED Bega Valley Riparian Vegetation, 2004. VIS_ID 4069
Vegation map, high resolution (1:5000 imagery) supervised image analysis of riparian type and condition in the Bega Valley 2004. VIS_ID 4069 -
From SEED Asset Infrastructure
The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Assets Geodatabase is directly related to the Assets Maintenance System (AMS) which runs under SAP and contains similar... -
From City of Sydney Recreation centres
Our community centres are open to all residents, workers and visitors. The services and programs we provide are tailored specifically to meet the recreation and learning needs... -
From SEED Bellinger River Health Program 2017-2020: DPIE Science Water quality and...
In response to the strong community interest in the Bellinger River turtle population, and a publicly perceived link between turtle mortality and poor water quality, a citizen... -
From City of Sydney Pedestrian Counts from Automated Sensors - Sites
For responsive design see Pedestrian Counts Dashboard Experience. We are currently trialing a small number of automated pedestrian counters.The counters have been placed in busy... -
From City of Sydney Council car parks
The City of Sydney Council operates 2 car parks – Goulburn Street Car Park (near Central Station) and Kings Cross Car Park. Both car parks offer designated mobility parking... -
From City of Sydney Terrain contours
1m contours created from 2020 Aerial survey. Height of ground is interpolated through improvements to land (buildings) -
Find my LIA Band as at 6 June 2021
Find my LIA Band data set as at 6 June 2021 -
From SEED Soil and Land Resources of the Moree Plains
This digital soil landscape product contains natural resource mapping for the Moree Plains. The Moree Plains cover the alluvial plains and fans of the Namoi, Gwydir, Barwon and... -
From SEED Phytophthora distribution
These maps are the output of a project investigating the distribution and risk of the pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi in New South Wales. The distribution of P. cinnamomi was... -
From SEED Wheatley's Quarry : environmental impact statement
EIS: Wheatley's Quarry : environmental impact statement -
From SEED NSW NPWS Fuel Hazard Data
These data were collected as part of the NSW Grazing Study. A single assessment of fuel hazard following protocols described by McCarthy et. al (1999). -
From SEED Landscape Resilience Data
These data were collected as part of the NSW Grazing Study. This study investigates how past grazing pressure has influenced the resilience of all three vegetation communities.... -
From SEED Vegetation Structure and Recruitment Data
These data were collected as part of the NSW Grazing Study. An assessment of vegetation structure and recruitment conducted at each of the 451 sites using variable belt... -
From SEED Fire Extent and Severity Mapping (FESM) 2019/20
Fire severity is a metric of the loss of biomass caused by fire. In collaboration with the NSW Rural Fire Service, DPIE Remote Sensing & Regulatory Mapping team has... -
From SEED Fire Extent and Severity Mapping (FESM) 2017/18
Fire severity is a metric of the loss of biomass caused by fire. In collaboration with the NSW Rural Fire Service, DPIE Remote Sensing & Regulatory Mapping team has... -
From SEED Fire Extent and Severity Mapping (FESM) 2018/19
Fire severity is a metric of the loss of biomass caused by fire. In collaboration with the NSW Rural Fire Service, DPIE Remote Sensing & Regulatory Mapping team has... -
From SEED Fire Extent and Severity Mapping (FESM)
Fire severity is a metric of the loss of biomass caused by fire. In collaboration with the NSW Rural Fire Service, DPIE Remote Sensing & Regulatory Mapping team has... -
From SEED Fire Extent and Severity Mapping (FESM) 2018/19
Fire severity is a metric of the loss of biomass caused by fire. In collaboration with the NSW Rural Fire Service, DPIE Remote Sensing & Regulatory Mapping team has... -
From SEED Fire Extent and Severity Mapping (FESM)
Fire severity is a metric of the loss of biomass caused by fire. In collaboration with the NSW Rural Fire Service, DPIE Remote Sensing & Regulatory Mapping team has...