Participation in social and economic life Dashboard
The data within this dashboard shows how we are performing against our objective to encourage and assist seniors, women and people with disability to participate in social and... -
Reducing domestic and family violence Dashboard
The data within this dashboard shows how we are performing against our objective to ensure people experiencing domestic and family violence, or are at risk of it, are safer by:... -
Working with Aboriginal People and communities dashboard
The data within this dashboard shows how we are performing against our objective to ensure Aboriginal people, families and communities have better outcomes by: • improving how... -
Young people in custody
This dataset contains: Key services measures - Custody Average daily number of young people in custody Average weekly number of young people in custody by Legal Status Average... -
Expected Waiting Times for Social Housing
Expected Waiting Times for Social Housing -
Hospital Quarterly: Performance of NSW public hospitals - April to June 2016
Hospital Quarterly is a series of regular reports that track services provided in NSW public hospitals and the timeliness with which they are delivered. The report is structured... -
Daily Drinking Water Quality Report
The Sydney Water daily drinking water quality report confirms the performance of water filtration plants and water delivery systems for Sydney, the Blue Mountains, and Illawarra. -
Hansard API
The Parliament makes available from this website a public Application Programming Interface (API) which provides open access to the following Hansard-related information:... -
State Library of NSW GitHub
The State Library uses GitHub, the free collaboration repository, to provide access to our code that has been developed for various Library and digital mobile projects.... -
Water Quality
Basin Plan targets assessment 2007-2017 and station locations for basin targets -
Digital Government Survey 2014
Data collected during a community survey, undertaken at the request of the NSW Accelerating Digital Government Taskforce. The survey sought to understand broad perceptions... -
Register of Third-Party Lobbyists
The Register of Third-Party Lobbyists is a public document that contains the following information in respect of each registered third-party lobbyist: The name and business... -
Coordinate level data for non-domestic assaults and robberies occurring in...
The data file contains incidents reported between January 2013 and March 2016 where the incident occurred at an outdoor or public place (including parks, streets, footpaths)... -
Rent and Sales Tables
Sales prices by dwelling type and Local Government Area (LGA). -
1m Contours 3D 2012
Contour heights (m) -
Town Centres
Town Centres defined in LEP2014 -
Tree Canopy 2006
Tree Canopy coverage 2006 -
Tree Canopy 2013
Tree Coverage 2013 -
Waste Collection 2015
Residential Waste Collection Areas -
Public Trees 2013
Tree locations and heights