Master dataset: NSW government school locations and student enrolment numbers
The master dataset contains comprehensive information for all government schools in NSW. Data items include school locations, latitude and longitude coordinates, school type,... -
NSW public school February census full-time equivalent (FTE) enrolments (2020-2024)
This data shows February census enrolment figures. All enrolments are self-reported in full-time equivalent (FTE) units and include both full-time and part-time students. Data... -
NSW government school enrolments by head count (2004-2018)
This dataset shows the student headcount for each individual NSW government school since 2004. Data Notes: National Schools Statistics Collection (NSSC) enrolments collected as... -
Full-time equivalent (FTE) enrolments by individual NSW government schools,...
Data Notes: Data is derived from the National Schools Statistics Collection (NSSC), which is managed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Enrolments are full-time equivalent... -
Number of enrolments in government schools (1848-2022)
This dataset includes the number of enrolments in NSW government schools from 1848 to 2022. Data Notes: Since 1993, some students have enrolled part-time. All enrolments are... -
Course enrolments in Years 11 and 12 subjects in NSW government schools (2012-2022)
Data Notes: Based on school of tuition, NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) developed courses only, and includes subjects studied through distance education, the NSW School... -
Board Developed Course enrolments in Year 10 subjects in NSW government...
Data Notes: The table only includes Board Developed Courses The table includes students studying a language through the Secondary College of Languages (formerly Saturday School... Results from other Australian data portals
From data.gov.au Department of Education - Tasmania - Annual Report - 2014/2015 - Appendices
Data from the Tasmanian Department of Education's Annual Report 2014/15. Data includes: School Resource Package Allocations - Fairer Funding Model Component Student Assistance...