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NSW Native vegetation report Cobbora, Coolah, Coonabarabran, Mendooran, Tambar Springs 1: 100 000 map sheets VIS_ID 2102

Native vegetation is described and mapped for the Cobbora, Coolah, Coonabarabran, Mendooran and Tambar Springs 1: 100 000 map sheets. Vegetation patterns were recognised and delineated spatially using air photo interpretation (1:50,000 scale). Satellite imagery was used to geo-reference the API. A consistent provisional vegetation code was assigned to each unique vegetation pattern. Comprehensive floristic data was collected for 547 plots using a random stratified sampling procedure. A proportional sampling regime was applied to the stratification and plots randomly located within stratification units independent of land tenure. An additional mask layer was applied to distinguish between 'woody' and 'non-woody' vegetation to target survey effort toward wooded communities.

Plot data was classified into 44 woody floristic groups using PATN. Additional analysis techniques included fidelity, homogeneity, nearest neighbour and indicator species analysis. Floristic groups are defined using structural dominance, diagnostic/indicator species and character species data. The provisional vegetation pattern codes from aerial photo interpretation were interrogated with respect to floristic groups to produce the map units. A generalised, additive model was used to investigate patterns in ironbark/redgum/pine assemblages in the south of the study area, where direct relationships between spatial and floristic data were unclear.

A total of 24 woody map units were developed to represent woody assemblages and three map units spatially depict non-woody areas, non-native areas and regenerating vegetation (at time of mapping). These map units are described with respect to structure, floristic composition and landform unit on the accompanying five maps. Mapping of the non-woody environment was limited to recognising 'candidate' native non-woody vegetation. (VIS_ID 2102)

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Additional Info

Field Value
Title NSW Native vegetation report Cobbora, Coolah, Coonabarabran, Mendooran, Tambar Springs 1: 100 000 map sheets VIS_ID 2102
Type Dataset
Language English
Licence Creative Commons Attribution
Update Frequency unknown
Landing Page https://uatweb.datansw.links.com.au/data/dataset/e6f49ce0-4e38-4e92-89ce-f25a92609404
Date Published 2018-09-06
Date Updated 2019-08-21
Temporal Coverage 23/11/2000 - 23/02/2001
Geospatial Coverage {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[149.501157, -31.498677], [149.501157, -30.99843], [149.001158, -30.99843], [149.001158, -31.498677], [149.501157, -31.498677]]]}
Data Portal Data.NSW
Publisher/Agency Department of Planning, Industry and Environment