NSW government schools by type and SA4 groupings (2013-2022)

Data Notes:

  • Primary schools enrol students in Kindergarten to Year 6.

  • Secondary schools generally enrol students in Years 7 to 12, although some secondary schools only enrol students in the senior years, that is, Years 11 to 12 or the junior years, that is, Years 7 to 10.

  • Central/community schools have primary and secondary departments and may be established where there is an enrolment in secondary classes of 20 or more.

  • Alexandria Park Community School, Batlow Technology School, Dubbo School of Distance Education, Evans River Community School, Hunter School of Performing Arts, Lucas Heights Community School and Wadalba Community School are included with central/community schools.

  • Norfolk Island Central School was included in NSW data for the first time in 2016. It has not been designated an SA4 group, so is only included in the NSW total.

  • Schools for specific purposes (SSPs) are for students with specific needs.

  • Environmental Education Centres (EECs) provide environmental education for students, but do not have full time enrolments.

  • Since 2014, the department has used a geographical structure based on the new ABS Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS). Groups of ASGS Statistical Area 4 (SA4) boundaries in NSW have been combined into 11 groups for reporting and publication of department data. Previous publications compared enrolments in DEC regions.

Data Source:

Data and Resources


Additional Info

Field Value
Unpublished false
Spatial {"type": "Point","coordinates": [147.0179,-32.1618]}
Geospatial Coverage NSW81093: New South Wales
Temporal Coverage From 2013-01-01
Temporal Coverage To 2022-12-31
Idioma eng
Data Status Active
Update Frequency annual
Display User Contact Details
Publisher NSW Department of Education
Contact Email Data Services <data.services@det.nsw.edu.au>
Jurisdiction New South Wales