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Appendix D – Information requirements checklists

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The following Plain Language Questions (PLQs) can be used as a checklist to verify whether all basis have been covered from a infrastructure data management perspective. Note that the list is part of a living document and will be expanded over time.

Project Information Requirements

Strategic PIR:

  • What is the proposed information management strategy?
  • Is there sufficient information to produce Exchange Information Requirements?
  • Are the exchange information requirements developed sufficiently to make decisions?
  • What site information is to be provided?
  • What format shall the information be delivered in?
  • Have requirements for the delivery of asset information and data been identified?
  • Is there appropriate management of information specifying: the security protection level or classification level of a project; security risk; and potential mitigation measures?
  • Are there suitable measures in place for the protection of personal and commercial data and/or information?
  • Have information / data exchange points at project stages been established (e.g. KPI’s, asset data, PLQ validation)?
  • Who will be able to use the data?
  • Will all data be readily available to parties outside government – including parties working on government’s behalf or third parties wanting to use information for private interests or shared public-private goals?
  • Will there be a cost for accessing the data?
  • Is there an opportunity for agencies to recoup some of the costs of data collection and its intellectual property?
  • Is there an opportunity for agencies to recoup some of the costs of data collection and its intellectual property?

Plan & Acquire IR:

  • Do the supplier's proposals comply with the information requirements?
  • What level of accuracy, detail, and information is required for concept and detail designs?
  • Has the purposes of the 3D model(s) been defined?
  • Are there any specific data requirements that need to be achieved?
  • Are there any specific data standards and formats that can be followed?
  • Do those standards and formats work for the agency?
  • How will any client specific performance needs be met?
  • What format shall the information be delivered in?
  • How will special presentation needs be met (e.g. to stakeholders and approvers)?
  • Is there an agreed information and data workflow?
  • Is there a means of controlling distribution of models, documents and data, e.g. through a common data environment or other means?
  • How will project information be used to support the infrastructure during the Operate & Maintain phase?
  • Has the scope for operational and maintenance manuals for the infrastructure been defined?
  • How accurate will the information be?
  • What information do facilities managers need to manage the infrastructure & utilities?
  • Have requirements for project information transfer into the AIM and integration into any enterprise asset management system been assessed?
  • Have procedures for post-contract management of information been implemented?

Asset Information Requirements

  • How will data from the previous phases (design and construction) be verified & validated?
  • Models, data and information including information provided for operation and maintenance are consistent with the organisational information requirements?
  • Are measures being applied for the secure return, storage or destruction of asset information?
  • Have procedures for post-contract management of information been implemented?
  • Have appropriate measures been implemented to protect valuable, attractive and sensitive items, including all physical or information assets?
  • Have requirements for project information transfer into the AIM and integration into any enterprise asset management system been assessed?


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Last updated 12 Nov 2020