Hosted Feature Layer
Update Frequency
Every 10 years
Contact Details
Relationship to Themes and Datasets
Water theme
Based on ground truthing. The field trips were planned to coincide with predicted ocean tides higher than 1.80 m ISLW calculated from data recorded at the tide gauge maintained by MHL located at Middle Head in Sydney Harbour. This meant that although a survey may not have been done on the highest predicted tides (approximately 2.00 m ISLW) the difference would be generally not more than 20 cm. The actual difference would be less than this by the time the ocean tide had travelled to the extremities of the estuary. So the threshold of 1.80 m was selected as a compromise between needing to survey the highest tides and having a useful number of tides to work with on any one field trip.
Standards and Specifications
Open, public dataset
DPE Manly Hydraulics Laboratory
Dataset Producers and Contributors
the purpose of this survey a definition of tidal limit had to be adopted and so
it was decided that the limit of tidal influence would be the point along the
estuary at which the water level no longer responded to the ocean tide. Put
simply, the most upstream point at which the water level moved up and down with
the tide. This would be the point to which the ocean tidal influence would
ultimately penetrate if there was no (or negligible) freshwater flow in the
system. After a flood event in a major river it may take one to two months
before the freshwater inflow reduced to that of the previous baseflow
conditions. In smaller creek systems, after a flood event it may only take one
or two weeks for the restoration of the tidal limit.