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CRAFTI Upper North East Floristics VIS 1108

Comprehensive Reserve Assessment Upper North East Aerial Photo Interpretation Mapping Project.; ; "NPWS (2001) 'Completion of GIS products for the Upper North East CRAFTI floristics layer': Map of broad floristic types for the Upper North East NSW CRA region. Mapping followed traditional API techniques and formulated specifications to capture the information on clear plastic overlays at a scale of 1:25, 000 (except for five 1:50,000 mapsheets). The information exists as an alpha-numeric code string, reflecting the floristic composition of the canopy. Overlays were then scanned and converted into a rectified, attributed, topographically correct digital dataset. Photo information was compiled into 1:100,000 tiles for the project area but was later combined into a merged Upper North East NSW dataset.; ; Areas where vegetation mapping already existed at an adequate scale and classification, were included within this broad dataset. Some of those areas had been mapped by external agencies eg. councils and therefore licensing was required to cover this. ; ; VIS_ID 1108

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Additional Info

Field Value
Title CRAFTI Upper North East Floristics VIS 1108
Type Dataset
Language English
Licence Creative Commons Attribution
Update Frequency unknown
Landing Page https://uatweb.datansw.links.com.au/data/dataset/3932e953-059d-4024-b831-a9a99b899229
Date Published 2018-09-05
Date Updated 2021-10-26
Temporal Coverage 01/01/1997 - 01/06/2004
Geospatial Coverage {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[153.725596, -30.498497], [153.725596, -28.067947], [150.978217, -28.067947], [150.978217, -30.498497], [153.725596, -30.498497]]]}
Data Portal Data.NSW
Publisher/Agency Department of Planning, Industry and Environment