Payroll Tax and Salaries Payments by NSW Businesses

GIPR18/134 - For each industry classification (based on the information held by Revenue NSW, which is the industry information provided by the customers to Revenue NSW at the time of their registration) in financial years, 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 separately, the total value amount for wages and salaries, and the total value amount for payroll taxes paid by NSW businesses.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Title Payroll Tax and Salaries Payments by NSW Businesses
Type Dataset
Language English
Licence cc-by
Data Status active
Update Frequency never
Landing Page
Date Published 2019-09-27
Date Updated 2019-09-27
Contact Point Department of Customer Service
Temporal Coverage 2016 -
Geospatial Coverage New South Wales (NSW81093)
Jurisdiction New South Wales Government
Data Portal Data.NSW
Publisher/Agency Department of Customer Service