From SEED High Ecological Value Waterways and Water Dependent Ecosystems -...
A map of the high ecological value waterways and water dependent ecosystems for the Canterbury-Bankstown LGA was prepared by the Science Division of the Department of Planning,... -
From SEED Draft NSW Biodiversity Strategy 2010-2015 Priorities
To maximise outcomes for biodiversity over such a large area like NSW, decisions on where to invest need to be made carefully. In response to this, the NSW Government developed... -
From SEED Soil and Land Resources of the Liverpool Plains Catchment
This product contains natural resource mapping for the Liverpool Plains Catchment. This mapping was undertaken to enhance knowledge of soils, landscapes and physical constraints... -
From SEED Illawarra Region BIO Map Corridors
The Biodiversity Investment Opportunities Map (BIO Map) is a key deliverable of the NSW Government’s $40 million Green Corridors program, a Government priority action identified... -
From SEED Watsons Creek National Park vegetation map, 2017. VIS_ID 4694
In 2017, the Northern Tablelands office of the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) commissioned Eco Logical Australia (ELA) to conduct a comprehensive vegetation survey... -
From SEED High Environmental Values of the Illawarra Regional Growth Planning area - detailed
This polygon shape file is a 1:25,000 – 1: 50 000 environmental dataset combining 16 input data sources. These are outlined in the lineage statement. The input data sets... -
From SEED High Environmental Value Central Coast Regional Growth Planning area - detailed
This polygon shape file is a 1:25,000 – 1: 50 000 environmental dataset combining 15 input data sources. These are outlined in the lineage statement. The input data sets... -
From SEED High Environmental Value for Hunter Regional Growth Planning area - detailed
This polygon shape file is a 1:25,000 – 1: 50 000 environmental dataset combining 17 input data sources. These are outlined in the lineage statement. The input data sets... -
From SEED Multi Attribute Data - Clarence River Catchment - Landform and Condition Dataset
The multiple attribute mapping process as applied in this dataset provides a vector based inventory of the landscape in terms of landuse, vegetation, presence of tree regrowth,... -
From SEED NSW Wetlands
The purpose of this project was to map the wetlands across New South Wales. Wetlands were identified using a combination of classification of spectral classes of Landsat MSS and... -
From SEED High Environmental Value for Central West Orana Regional Growth Planning...
This polygon shape file is a 1:25,000 – 1: 50 000 environmental dataset combining 14 input data sources. These are outlined in the lineage statement. The input data sets... -
From SEED High Environmental Value for the New England North West Regional Growth...
This polygon shape file is a 1:25,000 – 1: 50 000 environmental dataset combining 16 input data sources. These are outlined in the lineage statement. The input data sets... -
From SEED Illawarra Region BIO Map Core Areas
The Biodiversity Investment Opportunities Map (BIO Map) is a key deliverable of the NSW Government’s $40 million Green Corridors program, a Government priority action identified... -
From SEED Brushy Hill Nature Reserve Vegetation 2011. VIS_ID 4099
Vegetation community mapping for Brushy Hill Nature Reserve by John Hunter, June 2011. An Upper Hunter Area NPWS Region contract. Mapped at 1:25000 scale. Five communities are... -
From SEED Inundation Maps for NSW Inland Floodplain Wetlands 2019-2021
Under the NSW DPIE-EES Environmental Water Management Program the distribution and extent of inundation is monitored in large inland floodplain wetland assets which are targeted... -
NSW Offshore Wave Heights
Manly Hydraulics Laboratory (MHL) collects offshore wave data at seven continuously recording sites off the NSW coast. Buoys are located off Byron Bay, Coffs Harbour, Crowdy... -
NSW Ocean Wave Data Collection Program
Manly Hydraulics Laboratory (MHL) collects offshore wave data at seven continuously recording sites off the NSW coast. Buoys are located off Byron Bay, Coffs Harbour, Crowdy... -
Real Time Water
Real time access to water data including major storages, groundwater monitoring and surface water monitoring -
Budget Data Visualisation
Disclosed capital expenditure, business expenses and revenue in relation to a range of agencies in the Finance, Services and Innovation cluster. Budget data is available for... -
Home Building Licensing
This dataset contains statistics about new license applications, licensed entities, license classes and owner-builder permits.