Fine scale vegetation mapping for areas of coastal north east NSW undertaken by Steve Griffiths and Bob Wilson from 1984 to the present. The mapping includes all large and many...
Department of Communities and Justice 2020-21 Annual Report - Volume 1 - Performance and activities Department of Communities and Justice 2020-21 Annual Report - Volume 2 -...
COVID-19 tests by date and postcode, local health district, and local government area. The data is for COVID-19 tests and is based on the Local Health District (LHD) and Local...
COVID-19 tests by date and postcode, local health district, local government area and result. The data is for people tested for COVID-19 and is based on location of residence...
COVID-19 tests by date and age range. The data is for people tested for COVID-19 and is based on location of residence reported at the time of the test. A surge in total number...
COVID-19 tests by date and result. The data is for people tested for COVID-19 and is based on location of residence reported at the time of the test. A surge in total number of...
COVID-19 tests by date and age range. The data is for COVID-19 tests and is based on where a person has been tested and is undergoing public health management at the time of the...