From SEED Nullamanna National Park Vegetation 2008 VIS_ID 4751
Nullamanna National Park vegetation mapping was undertaken by Dr John T. Hunter in 2008 by contract for the NPWS Northern Tableland Region. Nullamanna NP is a small reserve of... -
From SEED NSW Sheep-Wheat Belt Box-Gum Woodland Biodiversity Survey Sites 2004-2007 ....
This spatial layer contains summary flora and fauna biodiversity survey data derived from project specific surveys conducted for the Biodiversity Conservation in the Sheep Wheat... -
From SEED NSW Riverina red gum reserves mapping program: Stage 2 Murrumbidgee Valley...
Canopy condition and density of River Red Gum vegetation communities at Murrumbidgee Valley National Park and Murrumbidgee Regional park were assessed and mapped using digital... -
From SEED NSW Report on Native Vegetation 2014-2016
The NSW Report on Native Vegetation 2014–16 provides a comprehensive picture of the status of the regulation and protection of native vegetation in New South Wales. The report... -
From SEED NSW coastal nearshore reef extent 2017
Nearshore reef extent was classified for the NSW coast using best-available high resolution aerial imagery. Statewide mapping of nearshore reef extent was performed from 2010 to... -
From SEED NSW Native vegetation report Cobbora, Coolah, Coonabarabran, Mendooran,...
Native vegetation is described and mapped for the Cobbora, Coolah, Coonabarabran, Mendooran and Tambar Springs 1: 100 000 map sheets. Vegetation patterns were recognised and... -
From SEED NSW Native vegetation report Cobbora, Coolah, Coonabarabran, Mendooran,...
Native vegetation is described and mapped for the Cobbora, Coolah, Coonabarabran, Mendooran and Tambar Springs 1: 100 000 map sheets. Vegetation patterns were recognised and... -
From SEED NSW Native vegetation report Cobbora, Coolah, Coonabarabran, Mendooran,...
Native vegetation is described and mapped for the Cobbora, Coolah, Coonabarabran, Mendooran and Tambar Springs 1: 100 000 map sheets. Vegetation patterns were recognised and... -
From SEED NSW Native vegetation report Cobbora, Coolah, Coonabarabran, Mendooran,...
"Native vegetation is described and mapped for the Cobbora, Coolah, Coonabarabran, Mendooran and Tambar Springs 1: 100 000 map sheets. Vegetation patterns were recognised and... -
From SEED NSW Murray Catchment Existing Broad Vegetation Types. VIS_ID 4161
This is a derived data set from existing vegetation data. Mapped areas of tree canopy cover have been combined with broad vegetation community data. This resulted in areas of... -
From SEED NSW inundation count dataset: all dates
This raster dataset covers all of NSW and is a raw count of inundated pixel observations from all available Landsat acquisitions from mid 1984 to mid 2016. The dataset was... -
From SEED NPWS Branches
The National Parks and Wildlife Service Operation Branches is a polygon layer that includes the eight administration branches that were announced 16 December 2016 - North Coast,... -
From SEED NPWS Areas
The National Parks and Wildlife Service Park Operation Areas is a polygon layer that includes the 37 Areas that were finalised in October 2017. They will officially be adopted... -
From SEED Notice of intention for the proposed construction of a regional treated...
Environmental Impact Statement: Notice of intention for the proposed construction of a regional treated sewage effluent rising main and ocean outfall at Governor Head, Jervis... -
From SEED North West Vegetation Mapping, Moree and Part Walgett Shire. VIS_ID 4169
Dataset has been generated in the National Heritage Trust Project "Vegetation Mapping North West Slopes and Plains" on behalf of the NorthWest Slopes and Plains Vegetation... -
From SEED Northwestern scraper operation, Buchanan Borehole Collieries, Lemington Mine :
Environmental Impact Statement: Northwestern scraper operation, Buchanan Borehole Collieries, Lemington Mine : -
From SEED Northparkes Project, Peko-Wallsend Operations Limited, Final Environmental...
EIS: Northparkes Project, Peko-Wallsend Operations Limited, Final Environmental impact statement. V.2 Appendices. -
From SEED North Cliff coal project : environmental impact statement
EIS: North Cliff coal project : environmental impact statement -
From SEED North Cliff coal project environmental impact statement /
EIS: North Cliff coal project environmental impact statement / -
From SEED Non-putrescible waste transfer depot at Wetherill Park
Environmental Impact Statement: Non-putrescible waste transfer depot at Wetherill Park