From SEED Native Vegetation of the Tullamore 1:100 000 VIS_ID 1601
This amp describes the native vegetation communities that occur within the Tullamore 1: 100 000 map sheets. Native vegetation includes both woody (i.e. open forests, woodlands... -
From SEED Native vegetation of the Tottenham 1:100 000 VIS_ID 1600
This map describes the native vegetation communities that occur within the Tottenham 1: 100 000 map sheets. Native vegetation includes both woody (i.e. open forests, woodlands... -
From SEED Native Vegetation of the Nattai and Bargo Reserves VIS_ID 2332
This shapefile has been produced to accompany the report "The Native Vegetation of the Nattai and Bargo Reserves". Prepared by the Conservation Assessment and Data Unit,... -
From SEED Native Vegetation of the Murray Catchment Management Authority Area. VIS_ID...
Native vegetation was delineated into stands using feature recognition software. A hybrid classification method that combined spatial modelling and visual interpretation was... -
From SEED Native Vegetation of the Cooma-Monaro Shire. VIS_ID 4064
A classification of native vegetation assemblages of that part of the Cooma-Monaro Shire falling within the South Eastern Highlands bioregion, with the exception of the Shannons... -
From SEED Native vegetation of Cobbora, Coolah, Coonabarabran, Mendooran and Tambar...
Native vegetation is described and mapped for the Cobbora, Coolah, Coonabarabran, Mendooran and Tambar Springs 1: 100 000 map sheets. Vegetation patterns were recognised and... -
From SEED Native vegetation map report series VIS_ID 899
Native vegetation composite map of Dry Lake, Gunbar, Hay, Moggumbil, One Tree and Oxley 1: 100 000 map sheets. Native vegetation, including forest, woodland and grass/forbland... -
From SEED Native Vegetation Mapping of the Dandaloo 1:100 000 VIS_ID 1598
This report describes the native vegetation communities that occur within the Bogan Gate, Boona Mount, Condobolin, Dandaloo, Tottenham and Tullamore 1: 100 000 map sheets.... -
From SEED Native vegetation mapping of Dry Lake, Gunbar, Hay, Moggumbil, One Tree and...
Native vegetation mapping of Dry Lake, Gunbar, Hay, Moggumbil, One Tree and Oxley 1: 100 000 map sheets. Native vegetation, including forest, woodland and grass/forbland... -
From SEED Native vegetation mapping in the Blue Mountains 1999-2002 VIS_ID 2239
Most of the native vegetation in the Blue Mountains City has been mapped using orthorectified infrared aerial photographs flown at a minimum resolution of 1:6000 from December... -
From SEED Native Vegetation Map of the City of Wagga Wagga, 2004. VIS_ID 1559
DEC (2004) The Native Vegetation and Threatened Species of the City of Wagga Wagga. Floristic sampling of 172 survey sites, combined with data from the Southern CRA Forest... -
From SEED Native Vegetation Map of Gundagai Shire. VIS_ID 3957
Current or extant distribution of native vegetation in Gundagai Shire. The mapping project involved initial stratification of the shire into units based on broad geological... -
From SEED Native vegetation map: Cohuna, Conargo, Echuca, Mathoura, Moulamein, Tuppal...
Native vegetation, including forest, woodland and grass/forbland assemblages, is described and mapped as part of the Native Vegetation Mapping Program (NVMP). Floristic... -
From SEED Native vegetation extant in Central West Catchments. VIS_ID 3844
This layer represents an attempt to use existing layers masked by a landuse layer to represent the native vegetation that, as of 2006, occured across the administration areas of... -
From SEED Narrabeen-Collaroy Fishermans Beach : criteria for the siting and design of...
Environmental Impact Statement: Narrabeen-Collaroy Fishermans Beach : criteria for the siting and design of foundations for residential development -
From SEED Narama open cut coal mine : summary of proposal and environmental impacts...
Environmental Impact Statement: Narama open cut coal mine : summary of proposal and environmental impacts planning focus meeting, April 1990 -
From SEED Nandewar WRA final vegetation layer - VIS_ID 12 & VIS ID 3881
This project constitutes the Vegetation Mapping and Survey component of the Nandewar WRA Biodiversity Surrogates Project. The Nandewar WRA follows that previously undertaken for... -
From SEED Namoi Valley Coal Project : environmental impact statement
EIS: Namoi Valley Coal Project : environmental impact statement -
From SEED Namoi CMA Vegetation map, 2009. VIS_ID 3851
A multi-stage project is currently underway in the Namoi CMA to provide whole-of-catchment vegetation maps classified in accordance with a hierarchy based on vegetation types... -
From SEED Namoi CMA vegetation extant map, 2013. VIS_ID 4028
An extant vegetation map was developed for the Namoi Catchment Management Authority (Namoi CMA) in 2009 by integrating all existing spatial datasets, undertaking some targeted...