Asset Infrastructure - Other Structure

The Other Structure Feature Class sits within the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Assets Geodatabase. The Other Structure layer includes infrastructure items associated with historic heritage such as historic ruins, lighthouses, monuments, silos and stockyards as well as other miscellaneous features such as beacons, channel markers and wildlife structures.

The Assets Geodatabase is directly related to the Assets Maintenance System (AMS) which runs under SAP and contains similar fields, values and business rules. The Assets Geodatabase is the vehicle in which spatial assets are initially captured, edited and stored so that the features have coordinates and can be viewed spatially. The data is collected across the entire NSW National Parks Estate and includes some off-park features for fire management, access and mapping purposes. The spatial feature data is manually synchronised with the AMS. The two systems run side by side and are linked by an ID field. AMS is also set up to be used by other OEH Divisions eg. Botanic Gardens and Parklands and previously Marine Parks. The database includes the following asset Feature Class types - Barrier, Bridge or Elevated Walkway, Building, Communication Equipment, Crossing, Drainage Point, Environmental Monitoring Station, Extractive industry, Facility, Fence Handrail, Fire Management Zone, Gate, Hydraulic Point, Hydraulic Storage Point, Hydraulic Valve, Irrigation System, Landing, Landing Strip, Lookout, Natural Feature, Other Structure, Parking Area, Pipe Channel Section, Power or Communication line, Power or Communication point, Sign, Step point, Stormwater Drainage Line, Surface, Survey Mark, Tower, Track Section, Treatment Disposal System, Visitor Area, Visitor Monitoring Point.

Detailed documentation is available including: - Data Dictionary (internal location - P:\Corporate\Tools\Information\Assets) - Data Model - Business Rules - Functional Location and Naming Convention

Note that for external supply the dataset is simplified with certain attribute fields being removed. Those fields that have a name prefixed with "d_" contain descriptions extracted from the original geodatabase domains.

Data and Resources


Additional Info

Field Value
Title Asset Infrastructure - Other Structure
Licence cc-by
Data Status
Update Frequency asNeeded
Landing Page
Date Published 2018-09-05
Date Updated 2022-02-02
Contact Point
Temporal Coverage 01/01/2008 - 09/07/2021
Geospatial Coverage {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[140.90624570846558,-37.331027233141825],[140.90624570846558,-28.24555296509728],[154.26562070846558,-28.24555296509728],[154.26562070846558,-37.331027233141825],[140.90624570846558,-37.331027233141825]]]}
Data Portal Data.NSW
Publisher/Agency Department of Planning, Industry and Environment