Border Rivers Gwydir / Namoi Regional Native Vegetation Map Version 2.0. VIS_ID 4204

The Border Rivers Gwydir and Namoi Regional Vegetation Map is a subset of the state-wide vegetation mapping and classification program undertaken by the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH Regional Scale State Vegetation Map) and covers the two former Catchment Management Authority Regions.

The primary thematic data layer in this dataset is a map of regional scale Plant Community Types (PCT's). The map was developed from a process using vegetation surveys, remote sensing derivations, visual interpretation and spatial distribution models.

The full dataset comprises the following data layers as delivered in an ArcGIS 9.3 File Geo-database: PLANT COMMUNITY TYPE: The primary map of Plant Community Types developed from an ensemble of visual interpretation of high resolution imagery and spatial distribution models. WOODY EXTENT LAYER: A map of woody vegetation derived from classification of 5m SPOT-5 imagery. KEITH CLASS: A map based on aerial photo interpretation and spatial distribution models. MAP SOURCE: A map of the various sources of information used including spatial models, visual interpretation and existing map products. SURVEY DENSITY ALL: A map of the density of all survey sites used. SURVEY DENSITY FULL FLORISTICS: A map of the density of only full floristic survey sites used. MODELLING CONFIDENCE: A map of the confidence outcomes achieved.

While much of the aerial photo interpretation employed was undertaken at around 1:8000, PCT attribution is generally at a much coarser scale. The Map Source layer (as described above) can be used as a guide to how vegetation attribution was derived. We recommend that the highest resolution appropriate for this product be 1:15000.

Validation Summary: PCT Map: Based on 100% of the survey data (modelling and hand mapping), the final mapped product has an accuracy in the range 68%-70% for prediction of the three most likely PCTs. Be aware that these accuracies are highly variable across each PCT. Some PCT's utilised more site data than others. Keith Class reached a 76% accuracy using the independent test data. Modelled PCT and modelled top 3 PCT overall accuracies were 53% and 68% respectively. Woody Extent received a 92% overall accuracy.

Accompanying documents: BRG-Namoi Technical Notes.pdf - Technical Report BRGN_PCT_KC_LUT.xls - A look-up table listing the relationship between PCT, Keith Class and Keith Formation classifications. BRGNv2_Spatial_Layer_Descriptors.txt BRGN_V2.mxd Border Rivers Gwydir / Namoi Regional Native Vegetation Mapping Technical Notes Version 1.0. Reference: NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, 2015. BRG-Namoi Regional Native Vegetation Mapping. Technical Notes, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, Sydney, Australia.

The download package contains a "quick view" map composite of the study area only. The quick view maps are of PCT, Keith Class, Keith Form, Map Source and Modelling Confidence. They also show the broad-scale line work. For more detailed line work and woody percent per polygon, please refer to the full dataset.

For access queries regarding the full dataset, please contact:


VIS_ID 4204

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Title Border Rivers Gwydir / Namoi Regional Native Vegetation Map Version 2.0. VIS_ID 4204
Licence cc-by
Data Status
Update Frequency asNeeded
Landing Page
Date Published 2024-02-05
Date Updated 2024-02-11
Contact Point
Temporal Coverage 2014-01-01 - 2014-01-06
Geospatial Coverage {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[152.11903, -31.85658], [152.11903, -28.53715], [147.39402, -28.53715], [147.39402, -31.85658], [152.11903, -31.85658]]]}
Data Portal Data.NSW
Publisher/Agency Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH)