Data on the real property transfers by country of tax residence & citizenship

Released under formal Government Information Public Access (GIPA) Application to Department of Finance, Services and Innovation (DFSI) - FA#65 16-17.

Data Source: Office of State Revenue

Scope of Disclosure

[1] The number and value of transactions by "Country of Tax Residence" for each month since 1 July 2015. Please include unknown if this was prior to the reporting requirement.

[2] The number and value of transactions by "Country of Citizenship" for each month since 1 July 2015. Please include unknown if this was prior to the reporting requirement.

[3] The number of residential properties purchased as investment properties each month since 1 January 2013.

Data and Resources


Additional Info

Field Value
Geospatial Coverage New South Wales (NSW81093)
Temporal Coverage From 2017-01-18
Temporal Coverage To
Idioma English
Type Dataset
Data Status Active
Update Frequency Never/Static
Display User Contact Details No
Publisher Department of Finance, Services and Innovation
Contact Email
Jurisdiction New South Wales Government