This study summarises the available information relating to flooding in the three townships of
Murrurundi, Blandford and Willow Tree. It describes the physical setting and flood producing
mechanisms, identifies the flood extentand the resulting flood damages for floods of various average
recurrence intervals (ARI). The transport linkages, planning instruments and the eXisting flood
emergency system are also examined. The study draws upon previous investigations including the
Murrurundi, Blandford and Willow Tree Flood Study completed in 1997 by Lyall & Macoun Consulting
Engineers, as well as historic flood data supplied by Council.
Detailed analysis of flood flows and levels throughout the three townships together with a survey of
the floor level of each building within the floodplain indicates that most of the properties affected by
flooding are located in Murrurundi. Table S-1 summarises the numbers of properties within each
township which are "affected" by the 100 year ARI flood. These are shown in column A and include
properties where flood water is on the land as well as those where flood water is above floor level.
Also shown, in column 0, are the numbers of properties which are "damaged", that is, flood water
above floor level.