Rental Bond Lodgements 2018

It includs Rental Bond lodgements data for 2018. --- Monthly lodgment data description --- Monthly lodgment data --- Yearly lodgment data

NSW Fair Trading provides data for recent rental bond lodgements and refunds as well as data on the total rental bond holdings.

The data published by Fair Trading includes data provided by the agent or landlord at the time of lodgement. A legend is included in each file describing the content.

Data on rental bonds lodged is provided by postcode and may indicate recent rent values. The data includes dwelling type, weekly rent amount and number of bedrooms. This data is provided by the agent or landlord at the beginning of a tenancy.

Lodgement data is provided each month and annual data is also available for the previous calendar year.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Title Rental Bond Lodgements 2018
Type Dataset
Language English
Licence notspecified
Data Status active
Update Frequency monthly
Landing Page
Date Published 2022-12-07
Date Updated 2022-12-12
Geospatial Coverage New South Wales (NSW81093)
Data Portal Data.NSW
Publisher/Agency Fair Trading NSW - Rental Bonds