Using place-based analysis and integrated insights
The NSW Suicide Monitoring System was developed to support better reporting on suicides in NSW – and enable communities, local organisations and government agencies to assess and respond to suicide more quickly and effectively. Prior to the establishment of the Suicide Monitoring System, NSW relied on the Australian Bureau of Statistics Causes of Death data for information about the number of suicides in NSW. The ABS data has a delay of approximately 12 to 18 months between the death occurring and reporting being available to NSW.
The NSW Suicide Monitoring System closes this gap to weeks. It aims to improve the quality and integration of suicide-related data across NSW. Insights help communities, local organisations and government agencies respond to suicide more effectively. Established in October 2020, it enables improved suicide prevention response and planning through access to quality, integrated data and insights, including:
- identifying trends, emerging areas of concern and priority groups
- providing insights into where the immediate and heightened risk is occurring
- informing the coordination of interventions and supports across agencies
- supporting better identification of high risk public locations of suicide and putting in place preventive measures that will reduce the risk of harm as soon as a location is identified
- supporting NSW Mental Health services in better identification of suicide deaths following care, incident reviews, and service planning
The system feeds data to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare to support National Cabinet and the Australian Suicide and Self Harm Monitoring System.
NSW Health continues to work with stakeholders to produce monthly NSW Suicide Monitoring System Reports that can help communities, local organisations and government agencies respond to suicide more effectively.
Working together on this system are:
- NSW Ministry of Health
- Department of Communities and Justice
- the State Coroner
- NSW Police
Department leading the project
NSW Health