Our local area covers approximately 26.15 square kilometres and is home to over 215,000 estimated residents (as at July 2021).Visit the interactive mapMore information on areas...
Access API NSW Elevation and Depth Theme – Historical 20m Contours Please Note WGS 84 service aligned to GDA94 This dataset has spatial reference [WGS 84 ≈ GDA94] which...
Access API NSW Administrative Boundaries Theme – StateElectoralDistrict2013_retired Please Note WGS 84 service aligned to GDA94 This dataset has spatial reference [WGS 84 ≈...
Test map to view available imagery services from the Spatial Collaboration Portal for the Wollongong City Council Local Government Area. From the imagery mosaics created from...
Access API NSW Imagery Theme Rapid Response – Floods Nov 2022 Rapid response imagery is captured and produced to identify visible features and terrain in order...
Under the NSW Government's flood prone land policy the City is required to manage flooding issues and put plans into place to safeguard flood-prone areas. The local area has...
Add a description of the item. Use multiple paragraphs if necessary. Metadata TypeUpdate FrequencyContact DetailsRelationship to Themes and DatasetsAccuracyStandards and...
Access API NSW Transport Theme - Transport Facility Line Please Note WGS 84 = GDA94 service This dataset has a spatial reference of [WGS 84 = GDA94] and can NOT be...