Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) (formerly the NSW Roads and Traffic Authority) proposes to upgrade and realign about 1.6 kilometres of the Princes Highway at Termeil Creek...
The proposed upgrade of the pacific highway between Karuah and Buladelah involves the construction of two carriageways and removal of part of the existing carriageway along the...
The proposed upgrade of the pacific highway between Karuah and Buladelah involves the construction of two carriageways and removal of part of the existing carriageway along the...
The proposed upgrade of the pacific highway between Karuah and Buladelah involves the construction of two carriageways and removal of part of the existing carriageway along the...
E. Assessment of environmental impacts – F. Ancillary activities – G. Cumulative impacts and environmental management – H. Conclusions -- References -- Appendices
Appendices: N. Noise impact assessment -- O. Flora and fauna report -- P. Eight-part tests on 3 threatened freshwater fish species -- Q. Intersection analysis, estimated traffic...
The upgrade between Bangalow and St Helena is 4.7 kilometres in length. It commences at the northern end of Bangalow Bypass and follows the line of the existing Highway to the...
The proposal addressed in this review of environmental factors is the upgrade of MR184 Windsor Road between Norwest Boulevard, Baulkham Hills and Showground Road, Castle Hill.
The NSW Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) proposes to carry out remediation of cut slopes along Jenolan Caves Road (MR 253) within the Five Mile Hill Section, located 20km south...