From OpenGov Trip generation surveys : medium density residential dwellings : data report
GTA Consultants were commissioned by the NSW Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) to undertake a study to determine contemporary trip generation for the land use 'Medium Density... -
From OpenGov Trip generation drive through coffee outlets : data and analysis report with...
Bitzios Consulting has been commissioned by Roads and Maritime Services (RMS), NSW to undertake a traffic generation study of drive through coffee outlets (outlets). The need... -
From OpenGov Sharing school and community facilities
Schools and the community would benefit if school facilities were shared more often, according to a report released today by NSW Auditor-General, Margaret Crawford. -
From OpenGov Energy rebates for low income households
The Department of Planning and Environment provides more than $245 million in energy rebates to around 27 percent of NSW households. A report released today by the Auditor-... -
From OpenGov Planning and evaluating pallative care services in NSW
NSW Health’s approach to planning and evaluating palliative care is not effectively coordinated. There is no overall policy framework for palliative and end-of-life care, nor is... -
From OpenGov Office of Strategic Lands
The Office of Strategic Lands effectively fulfils most aspects of its defined role, according to a report released today by the Acting Auditor-General of New South Wales, Ian... -
From OpenGov Trip generation and parking generation surveys : bulky goods/hardware stores...
This document contains details of the sites used in the study and also details of the surveys themselves. -
From OpenGov Trip generation and parking generation surveys : bulky goods/hardware stores...
Since the original publication of the 'Guide to traffic generating developments' there have been numerous changes to retail trading including trading hours, store sizes and the... -
From OpenGov Trip generation surveys : medical centres : data report
The former Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) published its Guide to Traffic Generating Developments ('Guide') in the mid-1990s. This document drew on the results of a number of... -
From OpenGov Trip generation surveys : medical centres : analysis report
The former Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) published its Guide to Traffic Generating Developments ('Guide') in the mid-1990s. This document drew on the results of a number of... -
From OpenGov Trip generation and parking demand surveys : child care centres : data report
The former Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) published its Guide to Traffic Generating Developments ('Guide') in the mid-1990s. This document drew on the results of a number of... -
From OpenGov Validation trip generation surveys : child care centres : analysis report
The former Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) published its Guide to Traffic Generating Developments ('Guide') in the mid-1990s. This document drew on the results of a number of... -
From OpenGov Trip generation and parking generation surveys : housing for seniors :...
In the next decade there will be an increase in the sector of the popluation nearing retirement or reaching 65 years. This brings a need for transportation information and about... -
From OpenGov Trip generation and parking generation surveys : housing for seniors : data report
This document contains details of the sites used in the study and also details of the surveys themselves. It also contains a note on the calculation of accessibility scores. -
From OpenGov Trip generation surveys : low density residential dwellings : data report
This report provides the base data collected in the course of a detailed trip generation analysis of low density (single dwellings) residential land use, including surveys of... -
From OpenGov Trip generation and parking demand surveys of shopping centre : analysis report
The RTA published its Guide to Traffic Generating Developments in the mid-1990s. As part of the studies supporting this, document, a number of shopping centres were the subject... -
From OpenGov Trip generation and parking demand surveys of shopping centre : data report
This document accompanies the analysis report. It contains details of the selected shopping centres and the survey results. A total of 10 shopping centres have been nominated to... -
From OpenGov Report for high density residential trip generation surveys : survey data...
GHD has been commissioned by NSW RMS to undertake surveys of high density residential developments to determine the trip generation associated with these developments to... -
From OpenGov Report for high density residential trip generation surveys : data report
GHD has been commissioned by NSW RMS to undertake surveys of high density residential developments to determine the trip generation associated with these developments to...